Chapter 12

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Derek POV
    (A/N Just in case it wasn't picked up on the gladers see Stiles as Thomas and they aren't used to calling him Stiles while the pack have always known him as Stiles so that's why it changes based on the POV)

    Stiles was still down. He wouldn't be able to run the maze with us at least not yet. He had given me a rundown on the maze and what to expect. I was still so shocked that he managed to create this place. Newt changed the bandages around his torso. I didn't realize when he first came in how deep the scratches were just the placements of them. 

    Minho came up to us telling Stiles what they were gonna do. Stiles nodded thinking. 

    "Do you think they did the same thing as last time? Just the key is with the wolf instead of the grievers" Stiles asked, looking at Minho and Newt. 

    They two looked at each other. 

    "Shank you are a genius," Minho said patting him on the shoulder. 

    "How do you even think of bloody ideas like that?" Newt said.

Then the doors opened. Minho looked up at me with a smirk and ran off. I followed after him using my wolf speed to catch up. What surprised me was he was about as fast as a wolf without the bite.  

Minho led me to where he and Malia had found Stiles. I caught a faint scent but it definitely wasn't Isaac's it was familiar though I had smelled it before, I just couldn't place it.

"Isaac didn't attack him, it was someone else," I said. Minho had a shocked expression but quickly changed it back to a neutral one.  

"Can you find Isaac?" Minho asked. 

I nodded "Ya he's pack I'll find him," I said. I sighed, closing my eyes and inhaling. The problem was I couldn't smell anything. 

"Uh, we have a problem. I can't smell him," I said. Minho opened and closed his mouth processing what I had just told him.    

"Shuck" Minho cursed. 

"I have no idea why this started it happened a while back when Stiles was the nogitsune healing took longer something is happening with my wolf" I tried talking through my process.

"Come on let's get back to the doors finding Isaac can wait till the morning we'll bring Aiden or Malia with us tomorrow. The way it sounds is you'll be the only one able to calm him down" Minho said. 

I nodded. We ran back taking turn after turn until we reached the entrance to the maze. The doors opened as soon as we made it back. Malia was waiting by the doors. She walked with us filling us in on everything Frypan had told them. It really wasn't much information to help us in here but it did give us hope for what was coming on the outside.

Gally POV

I ran down the hallways running and dodging any guards I could, and taking down the ones I couldn't avoid.  The place was almost exactly the same as the tower building just all of it was on one floor. 

Eventually, I made my way outside the building. I ran towards the car that we had taken here. I jumped in shoving the keys into the ignition starting it as quick as I possibly could. I backed up causing a cloud of dust to be blown around. Then I sped away driving as fast as the car would go. The peddle was on the floor of the car. Soon I slowed down, I had made it back to where we net with Lawernce. 

The man stood there watching the road like he knew we would come back. 

"Ah Gally," He said as I jumped out of the car slamming the door shut. 

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