Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
Minho POV
When are we going to lose this shank? Every time things are going good Ratman shows up and ruins everything. First when we found the right arm in the mountains, then in the safe have, then during a lacrosse game. 

He put us in the back of a van surrounded by guards. I had a feeling I knew where we were going. The van stopped after hours of driving in silence. Newt and Stiles were here with me, so I guess that's a good thing, i'm not by myself this time. 

We were pulled out of the van by guards. I looked around noticing my suspicions had been correct. We were back in the scorch being taken into a WCKD compound. The big metal door opened just enough to where we could walk underneath it. Our hands were tied together and the three of us were led to a cell. 

"In the morning we begin work to make sure you have enough blood because we are going to be needing a lot of it," Ratman said as he walked down the hallway. I struggled as needles were placed in both of my arms. I noticed they were taking a lot more of Stiles's blood then Newt's or mine. He looked weaker by the second. They stopped after about 20 minutes taking out bags full and leaving us in the dark cell. I felt tired. I just wanted to sleep so that's what I did. I didn't want to spend my time worrying about what might happen. I stood up shakily taking off my lacrosse pads and putting the jersey back on. Stiles didn't even try to take his off. I made my way over slowly to be next to my friends. We all huddled together, not for warmth more for the comfort of knowing we aren't alone. 

We slept as best we could huddled together on the floor of the cell. None of us got much sleep to concrete for the others. In the morning the door opened and we were dragged from our room and down a hallway. The hallway was dark. There were very few lights lining the ceiling and the light was only every 50 feet or so and very dim. I could hear the distant drip of water. Every once in a while I would step in a puddle of water that was about ankle deep. Finally after what felt like an eternity of walking we made it to a big, old, rusty door. The guards opened the door with a loud creak and shoved us inside. The lights in the room flipped on and I had to cover my eyes from the sudden brightness. I heard two other groans from beside me. 

"Hello boys you ready to begin the test"

Scott POV
"The scorch why I thought everything there was destroyed" Lydia asked. 

"So did we but Ratman made it out so maybe there were other WCKD buildings around that we didn't know about" Aris said. 

I paced around the living room. We had gone back to my house after we knew Brett was okay. The pack came over with Aris, Gally, and Frypan. The problem with all of this is there is still a dead pool going on with all of our names on it. 

"So what do we do" I asked, sighing as I plopped down next to Allison on the couch. She laid her head on my shoulder trying to help calm me down.

Gally stood up talking "We go to the scorch bring them out but only a few people we need some to stay here and deal with all the problems you got going on" He explained. The rest of us nodded in agreement. 

"Me and Gally can lead the team in the scorch since we've already been there. We'll take a few of you guys as well so we're not so outnumbered" Frypan planned. 

I sighed "Okay I can go with you guys-" I started but was cut off instantly.

"Nope Scott you're staying here the people here need someone who can fight and Lydia before you even start you're staying here to you're the only one that can figure out the cipher key" Derek said from his spot leaning against the wall.

I opened my mouth to protest but got one of the worst glares that I've ever gotten from Derek. Isaac nodded in agreement to Derek's statement.

I gave in knowing there was no way I could change their minds. Lydia also wanted to protest but I could tell she wasn't going to try. 

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