Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
Minho POV
When we woke up from being underwater we were out in an elevator going up. I groaned already knowing what they did to us. Ratman was right; they did put us back in the maze and not just a simulation this time.

"They sent us back into the bloody maze," Newt said, sitting up. 

All they could do now was wait. Wait until the elevator opened and the only place to go was into the glade. The elevator stopped with a jolt throwing the three boys around inside. The big doors to the box opened and low and behold they were back in the maze. 

I stood up making my way over to the side of the box pulling myself up. When I did that I noticed one of the beetle blades looking right at us from its spot on the wall.

"Looks like all those shanks are enjoying the show," I said motioning towards the beetle blade. The other two rolled their eyes but got themselves up and out of the box.

Looking around the glade we saw all the damage that was done the night the grievers came in. Everything was destroyed. Then we heard the grievers screech. 

"Let's go, let's go" I yelled, getting the two boys moving and running back towards the homestead, the only building that was still somewhat standing. Still being exhausted from the mental tests didn't help us at all.

We made it in and slammed the door shut waiting. The sound of the tail moving right outside made us all jump away from the wall. We stayed close together near the center of the room. The griever tail poked through the wall. We waited in silence to see what it would do. Using its tail the griever ripped the wall out from the homestead leaving us completely uncovered from the front. The griever stalked its way forward, tail gleaming in the sunlight. I shuffled my feet back along the floor trying to stay as far away as I could but I knew it wouldn't do much. If the thing decided to attack the three of us were done for. 

Then a voice sounded, making the griever back off and retreat back into the maze. I breathed a sigh of relief; none of us were dead at least not yet. 

"This test is not designed for you to be killed, it's mostly a holding cell the only time one of you will be harmed is when we need more blood. Now maybe you should get to work on rebuilding" Ratman said "Oh and one more thing the maze will only open when a griever comes through it will be closed the rest of the time" 

"This shuck really thinks he can keep us locked away like this" I seethed through gritted teeth.

"Calm down Minho we got out of this last time and we'll do it again," Newt said. I nodded but still didn't want to accept the fact that we were trapped again. 

Thomas walked away from the group moving back towards the maze wall. Newt looked at me confused but I just shrugged and jogged off after him.
"Thomas, Thomas, wait up," I said. He slowed his pace a little for me to catch up as he still just kept walking. 

"What's wrong with you?" I said. 

"This," He said gesturing around "It's my fault. I trusted Teresa, I was the one who couldn't fight Janson off at the game-" 

"Uh uh stop right there one we all had a part of us that wanted to believe Teresa had changed, and two Neither I nor Newt could fight off the guards at the game so stop blaming yourself and help us find a way out of here," I said. 

He nodded running back to the homestead with me. When we got back we decided before we started working and built a place to sleep we would stop by the wall with our names carved into it. 

We grabbed the chisel deciding we would add the new family we gain through everything and honor the old ones we lost by following the glade tradition. 

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