Chapter 3

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Scott POV

My jaw dropped open when I heard Newt speak. 

"So werewolves huh" He smirked leaning against the wall. He was acting super casual and like this wasn't shocking at all to him.

"Please don't tell anyone," I asked pleadingly. He nodded watching me, then he asked me if Stiles knew anything about this I nodded. 

"Great that's all I needed to know," He said standing up straight from his spot leaning on the wall and limping down the hall towards Stiles's room. I was still standing there in shock. Newt found out about us but didn't freak out what happened to these guys to make them like that. I shook my head trying to sort out my thoughts before pulling out my phone to call Isaac.

Isaac seemed ready to beat me when he found out I let his brother hear my conversation about the supernatural. He yelled at me for a full 10 minutes about being so clueless and being so careless with the secret.

I met up with the pack in the loft after leaving the hospital. I heard a bunch of heartbeats inside. I opened the door to be met with the sight of Isaac and Aiden in a fight. I looked questioningly at Lydia who shrugged and turned her attention back to the fight. Everyone was watching the fight with an amused look.

I watched as Isaac managed to pin Aiden down and look at him with a smug smirk on his face. 

"Told you I could take you" Isaac taunted causing Aiden to grumble and pull 5 bucks out of his wallet. Isaac snatched it out of his hands and let Aiden up. Aiden stood up and brushed himself off trying to regain some dignity and mumbled something about Isaac cheating.

I went to the front of the pack and started talking "Okay guys I have some news" They looked at me waiting for what I was going to say. 

"Weeellll... Newtmayhaveoverheardmetalkingtomomaboutthefullmoonsohekindaknowsaboutus"I said quickly and mumbling so low that even the werewolves could barely hear it except for Isaac. He punched me in the shoulder hard motioning for me to say it again. 

"Care to repeat that and slowly this time," Lydia said. I sighed but nodded.

"Newt overheard me talking to mom about the full moon so he knows about us," I said slowly looking at the ground. 

"They were going to find out eventually you guys have been getting closer recently it's not that surprising," Derek said casually from his spot leaning against the wall.

Kira looked a little sheepish as she stepped forward "Minho already knows he's my twin and he is half kitsune whereas I'm full kitsune" she said. 

We ended up having to invite the others over to tell them about our secret. They took it just as well as Newt did waving it off like it was nothing. I even heard Minho mumble about how it was nothing compared to cranks and grievers. I watched as the others agreed with him. Stiles may have given us a slight rundown on what happened to them but we still needed to find out more. 

{3 1/2 months later} 

School was starting back up again. It was the first day of junior year and there were lacrosse tryouts today after school. Stiles, me, Minho, and Isaac were all going to try out. Stiles had gotten out of the hospital about a month ago and was doing really well. Somehow he managed to heal faster than normal without being a supernatural he still got sore at times but he was mostly fine.

The first day went as expected boring classes, people, talking, teachers yelling at students well I guess that was mainly Coach. Surprisingly our group had become really close with Stiles's group of friends, We had all become increasingly closer through the summer. 

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