Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
Derek POV
Isaac stopped struggling as he slowly passed out. I glared at Aiden. 

"I'm sorry I couldn't think of anything else plus it stopped him, didn't it?" He said. Helping me slowly lower Isaac to the ground. I rolled my eyes at him and turned to face the man on the other side of us. 

"What did you do? You let all of those people become cranks just so you could live longer" Gally said. 

"Gally you really didn't think I would help you the first thing I told you was not to trust people out here" Lawrence said.

Gally started to walk away the rest of us followed after I hauled Isaac up and over my shoulder. I laid Isaac across the backseat and Malia sat there with him to make sure he didn't get jostled around too much. Aiden got into the front seat. We drove down the road into the broken gates. I looked in the rearview mirror and I saw Lawercne smirking at us. 

We pulled into the middle of town where the most damage was done we stopped. Leaving Isaac in the car we got out to investigate. There were a few letters on the ground I saw a W and a D. 

"This was WCKD's main headquarters, it's also where we thought Janson was killed but I guess we were wrong" Gally said. 

"You guess you were, no you 100% were wrong" Malia said. Gally shrugged his shoulders saying something about the building falling on him and Stiles said he was attacked by cranks and that he shouldn't be alive. 

We found some kind of vault that was still mostly intact but it was sitting up on its back, the door wide open because of someone cutting the hinges.

"This is where Lawernece got the serum for himself," Frypan said. Aiden was looking around the place he jumped back as he pulled on something only to be met with the sight of a severed arm. Aiden dropped the arm and ran towards us with a disgusted look and tried to use his shirt to clean off his hand. 

I smirked as Malia busted out laughing. Aiden gave the werecoyote a weird look. 

"What where I come from that's a load off on the hunting" She said as Aiden, frypan, and Gally gagged. We continued to look around and Frypan managed to find a computer that still worked but had the defence systems down. He sighed. 

"They took them back to where we first entered the scorch," He said. 

Malia groaned "You mean we were that close and we had to go past them" She complained. I shook my head understanding what he meant from the description the group had given us of their time with WCKD. 

"No Malia when they first entered the scorch, not us, we're going to where they were first taken after the maze" I told her. Her mouth made a little 'O' when she finally understood. Then we heard this awful screech. It was from something that wasn't human but had a human body; a crank. I covered my ears trying to block out the sound. I turned around trying to figure out where it came from. 

I saw the cars were being surrounded by things that looked just like Lawrence but they had completely lost their humanity. They surrounded the car Isaac was in pounding and scratching at the windows. I was gonna try and see if I could help but got pulled back. 

"We can't fight these things with teeth and claws, remember?" Aiden said. I rolled my eyes. I got into a firing stance as one of the car windows shattered. Isaac screamed as the cranks reached their arms inside the window. Multiple were clustered around the one window trying to get at him. Others went around and surrounded the car trying to break even more of the windows. I heard a few cracks. I fired once taking down the crank that sat on the hood. That got the attention of a few of them but a few was better than nothing. Gally and Fry fired multiple shots in succession. Aiden and Malia followed our lead. More cranks turned their attention to us. They tried to run but were shot down.

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