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Mikey P.O.V

It's been a week since the group has hanged out. Having a group is something new to me, in the past I was just the guy that was there, sitting and following the group, only talking when asked by others.

This is different from what I am used to, but with Andy, and Brook, Jack, Rye. In past I have never been able to connect with others, I tend to put walls so that others can't even leave a dent when they leave me behind, the only one that left even a mark was Sunny, he left me to fend for myself.

Knowing that I have a group of people that I can fall back on is one of the best feelings in the world and something that all ways wanted. Andy is like an older brother that is responsible and caring to us all, Brook is the baby brother that is loud and playful. Jack is the cool more lay back best friend but can get wild when he wants to, which brings us to Rye he is adventurous and a bit weird.

I want to get to know Havery like I know the others. He saved me when he didn't even know who I was in the first place. On the outside, he looks so happy, but no one can smile all the time. This is why I asked Andy for Harvey's number so that we could talk more.

Hey, it's Micky from school.

Who gave you my number? Not trying to sound rude.

I asked Andy for it, sorry I should have just asked you myself, I just...

Hey, no problem I get it talking to people can be scary

Thanks for understanding!

No worries, so what did you want my number for?

Well, you see I wanted to get to learn more about you after you helped me back in the hallway with those two bullies

Oh well that is kind of you

I was wondering if you would mind going to the park behind the school with me today? If you don't want to that's ok as well, there is no pressure.

Sure I would love to hang out with you today. Does around four works for you?

Yup can't wait to see you!

Harveys P.O.V

Part of me is scared to meet up with Mikey because he saw a side of me no one else gets to see, not even Brook or Andy. What if Mikey is just going to trick me into giving him information that he can use to get people to bully me?! Mikey seems to be an all-around nice guy, but you never know. At the same time if Andy trusts him then I should be able to as well right?

I need to calm down and stop overthinking. I am sure that Mikey just wants to be friends. Mikey is kind of cute in a way, so it won't be so bad getting to know him.

Later that day at the park

I texted Mikey that I made it to the park, the next thing I know is Mikey is in front of me, grabbing my hand, leading me to a path. We walked down a nature path. Mikey talked about his hoddies like soccer and singing, which turns out we both are interested in. I talked about my family, but when I started mentioning the love I have for my brothers he looked lost in thought.

Hey, you have a brother right?

I guess if you could even call him that. Mikey said as he looked away from me.

If you want to talk about yourself I am here to listen, I know that we don't know each other well yet, but I am here if you want to talk.

Thank you for that. Most people would just change the topic, but you want to hear more, that alone means a lot me.

My brother Sonny was never close to me, he would run off to go see Andy or his other friends. I just wanted friends, to have someone to rely on. You would think that a brother would be just that, but no, he left me behind in the dust. You, Andy, and Brook have your frights, but at the end of the day, you are there for each other when matters, Sonny is never there no matter what.

Wow, I don't think I could survive without my brother we hold each other up. Mikey, I will be there when you need someone to pick you up when you fall down. Thank you for sharing your pain with me, I know it is not easy to trust others.

Mikey goes in for a hug after I finish talking. It has been a long time since I have hugged someone and feel like I am in sweet Heaven.

Harvey that means the world to be thank you so much!

Your welcome, since you shared your pain I think it is my turn.

Mikey nodded his head to let me know that he is listening.

When I was younger other kids bullied me, first, it was name-calling then it turned to punching and kicking. So I asked mom and dad if I could take a class to learn to defend myself. It worked, after two weeks of training I was able to fight back and win. Later now I moved, which means a new school. I soon became the popular kid that everyone wanted to be friends with. Being bullied, mean that you were at someone's mercy, it was terrifying.

Did Andy and Brook know what was going on?

No, I didn't want them to worry or get themselves hurt they mean too much to me. Being valuable is not something that I am good at, I hide behind a mask at school and home sometimes.

Are you wearing that mask right now?

At the start of the walk yes, I didn't know if I could trust you, but when we started talking about our families is when I dropped the mask.

Mikey grabbed my hand we came to the end of the path, where the park opens up to a bigger area. Mikey let go of my hand, which I wish he didn't, holding Mikey's hand felt like a warm flow of comfort.

Mikey you don't have to let go of my hand you know?


Mikey stopped mid-sentence and stood still. I followed where Mikey's eye looked

Sonny grabbed Andy and pulled him into a kiss

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