I will Hold You

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Brook's P.O.V

Jack has been having a hard time focusing. Is there something that I am missing? Jack is the calm and lazy guy that everyone wants to be. Yet, at the same time, everyone fears him. 

I never did fear him, Andy taught me never to fear those who bully you. Not to let them see that they affect you. Jack never hurt anyone, unless they are bullies. Plus, Jack is fine, ingenious, playful, humane.

He makes me feel like I matter to someone. That my ideas are not dumb or foolish. The time we spend together is full of fun and magic.

"Baby, are you ok?"
I asked as I looked over at Jack.

He looks like he is about to drop dead on the spot. Is he sick? Or did he eat something that upset his stomach? I reached to pull him into a side hug. His breathing started to get shaky and uneven.

The teacher looked at me and I looked next to me to see Jack falling. I told her I could take care of it and she just nodded. I and Andy have both had panic attacks. After Andy had his first one he showed me what to do when someone is having one.

"I am here for you. Fouse on my heartbeat, my voice, and my tough"

I said as I rubbed up and down his arm. While I softly sang him a lullaby. Seeing Jack vulnerable is hard, but I want to be there for him like he has for me.

Jack was there with me when Andy went into the hospital. He held me when I need it. So I will do the same for him. After class ended he calmed down, but there is so much pain and sorrow in his eyes.

How did I never see it before? Has he been hiding it this whole time? I don't want him to have to hide his pain because of me. We need to talk about it. Only if he is ok with it though.

"Jack, can you hear me?"


"Yea, It's me I held you while you had your panic attack."

"Look, there nothing you have to worry about."
Jack said as he looked away from me."

"Jack, it's ok if there is something. You don't have to tell me and I am not hurt if you don't, but when there is something wrong tell me so I can hold you, care for you. I want to give you some kind of comfort. Just want you to know that you are not alone."

Jack looked like he was about to cry again. Did I say something wrong?

"That means a lot to me. I am not ready to open up about it, but having you here makes it ten times better."

I helped Jack up and we hugged. He then gave me a little kiss on the cheek. You could tell that he is exhausted from the panic attack. We walked out of the classroom holding hands. 

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