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Rye P.O.V
After Harvey walked away from me the bell ring. Which meant my time with Andy is over. I placed Andy back on the beach and walked to the hallway. Sadly I have math next, the only class I have without Andy.

Andy P.O.V
I woke up from my sleep because Harvey moved away. I don't know why but today Harvey felt warm. When he had me in his arms it felt so nice and safe. I want him to hold me again. Wait why I am thinking like that. Wait.. the bell ring I am so going to be late to class. 


All my other classes went ok. My last tres through Rye was staring at me. The funny thing?  Rye never looked away from me when I stared back at him. Thanks to his staring I blushed the whole tres classes. Thanks a lot, Rye.

Brook sent me a text saying that he is walking home with Jack. I want them to get together. My ship must happen! My life depends on it! So I run home so that I can see some Brack moments.

I slowly opened the door to the house to see Brook running around the house with Jack right behind him. From the looks of it, Brook has Jack's phone, and Jack is trying to get it back. Brook's leg hit a chair which caused him to fall, with Jack on top of him.

They both just stayed there. The faces getting closer until they kissed. Yay yay yes my ship. I can now live a happy life. Their kissing started getting fast and more lustful. I love my ship and am glad they are together, but I do not want to see my little brother make out with Jack no thank you.

So I took a picture and ran upstairs to my room. I knew that I need to call Harvey and tell him about our little brother's new boyfriend. Oh, right I forgot to tell you that Harvey is my brother as well. I and Brook have the same mom and dad, Harvey on the other hand only has the same mom as us. So he lives with his dad and his other siblings.

Harvey is a good big brother to me and Brook. After my dad left mom was gloomy for two years. Soon she meets Harvey’s dad and they hit it off. Then they made Harvey, after that he left. He came back for Harvey when I was 10. Harvey would come over every other weekend. 

One weekend Harvey didn’t come that was the same time that "it" happened. When high school started Harvey begged his dad to go to the same school as me and Brook. 

I asked Harvey why he wanted to go to our school so bad. He told me 
" I want to be there next time you fall, so next time I can catch you."
Harvey always felt guilty for not being there when "it" happened.  After that Harvey became overprotective of me. Harvey knew that people at school saw how he was so close to me. He wanted people to think we were dating so that they wouldn’t hurt me or try.

My phone went off and I went to see who was texting me so late

From: ........
Hi, baby coming to see you tomorrow can't wait!

The moment I thought about him all that happened in the past came back to me.

Everything went black. I could hear my head hit the floor. The same dream I had at lunch came back.

"Run Andy before I get you again"

"No, Harvey wouldn’t let you!"

I started to run through the never-ending hallway. The only light source is that of ones hanging from the walls. The lights kept going on and off. The walls are a dark gray color, and the doors are black. Some lockers were hanging off other closed all the way. 

" Harvey? He left you and is dead. You are all mine now!"

He grabs me and pulled me back to him. I fell to the ground I can't move. The halls started to move and shake all around me. I just wanted to die than to be in his arms.

Harvey, did he leave me? Why, what did I do wrong?

Harvey please "don't leave me."

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