Brother's Love

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Brook's P.O.V

I didn't want to ask Jack to leave, but I had to. I asked Jack to go with Rye so that Harvey and I could talk to Andy privity. I love Jack, but Andy may not be ready to tell Jack about "it".

It is weird though that Rye doesn't want Andy to know he was here. Would it be that dreadful if Andy knew? From the looks of it, Rye cares a lot about Andy. 

After Jack went with Rye, I and Harvey went into Andys room. You would think you Andy would be tired and laying down, But no Andy sat there up straight wideawake deep in though.

That is the thing about Andy that I like the most, he is not like everyone else.

Although people call him the "cool boy" at school, the word "cool" is different. Andy turns the definition of  "cool" into a whole new meaning. The meaning and definition of words can change person from person.

Harvey's P.O.V

Thank goodness that Rye guy is gone. Who does he think he is to sass me? Thankfully Andy knows nothing of him, seeing as every time he got close to Andy was sleep.

Brook is growing up too fast he already has a boyfriend? I have ever seen this guy at the house before could it be because I only come on the weekends? Or I have I just not be paying attention to Brook?


I need to go see Andy now! I walk into Andys room, there he is sitting and deep in thought.

"Want to tell me why you blacked out? Could it have something to do with Sonny?
I tried to talk as calmly as I can.

" I just started to think about the old days with Sonny. Then flash of when "he" r-"
Andy stopped talking and looked at the door.

"Andy, what's wrong why are you looking at the door?"
Andy started to look mad after I said that.

"Harvey, Brook just walked out and he looked woebegone. Plus he walked out saying " He will never care"."

Why would Brook say that? Did he mean that boyfriend of this? He better not hurt Brook. Brook is so innocent and kind.

When his old 5th grad bully dad's died Brook still tried to be there for him.  Sadly that means that he puts others before him, even if it hurts him. 

"I should go see if he is ok. I bet it's about that boyfriend of this."

I started to walk out, but Andy called out me again

"Harvey I think this is about you and Brook's relationship. I know you love and care for him the same as you do for me. You may have not been showing that recently."

What is Andy talking about? Is that how Brook feels?

"Andy, I talked to Brook today and we spent time while we waited for you to wake up"

"Harvey, You and Brook have not spent bonding time since "it" happened. You have been so busy with school and worrying about me that you forgot about Brook."

It made sense, maybe I have forgotten about spending time with Brook. I feel terrible I need to see him.

"Andy you are right"
I ran out of the room to fine Brook

Brooks P.O.V

Harvey sounded like He was the only one there. Ever seen "it" Happened I feel like I and Harvey have gotten out of touch with each other.

I ever get to spend time with him anymore. I get that Harvey is busy but I just want some time with my brother. I don't think he cares about me anymore. 

When I think about how I want to spend time with Harvey I feel selfish.

Every bully I have had has called me selfish. They said that I try to always be in the spotlight.  Someone is calling my name, wait is that Harvey?

"Brook stop, we need to talk"
It is Harvey he came after me. Why?

"Brook I am so sorry if I made you think that I don't care about you. You're my little brother, I will always love you. Me being busy with school and Andy is not an excuse. Why didn't you tell me about how you felt?"

Harvey does care about me and love me.

"I didn't want to be selfish"
I looked down at the floor

"Brook you are not selfish to want to be loved. Everyone wants to be loved and cared for. Whether or not they say it out loud.  Come on we need to go back to Andy"

We hugged for a bit before we started our trip back to Andy's room.

Andy's P.O.V

Brook and Harvey walked back into the room. My thoughts went back to Sunny. Most people at our old school though we were dating.  Sunny and I became best friends we were both picks on.

Although we both just acted like it wasn't happening. Sadly we had to move after what happened in 5th grade. 

I do miss him, sadly he changed his number, so we have lost tough seen then. Sunny was the last friend I had. I have Brook, but he is my brother it's different.

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