"New Love"

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Andy’s P.O.V

    I got a text from Rye just checking that I still want to hang out after school at the park. I wait for the teacher to walk out of the room so that I can answer Rye back. The teacher finally left the room.

So are we still going to hang out at the park after school? If not it’s ok.

We are still on for the park. I was thinking…


Could the others come too? That way we can all get to know each other better. 

    Asking if the others could come with us was a risk, but one that I am willing to take. I want to be better friends with Mikey and Jack. Jack and Mikey are the kind of people I feel like I could vide with the most. Both are quite on their own and have the same kind of humor that I have.

Tho, I am sure that Rye just wants to spend some alone time with me, I don’t feel safe around new people. While I know that Rye would never do anything to me I just won’t be able to shake that feeling off. Which may cause him to think that I am being cold to him.

Rye is someone that I want to know more about, like what he loves to eat or what is his favorite movie. Is he more of an ice cream or cookie man?  Would he rather sleep in or get up early? I do wonder if he has questions about me too?

Sure I will text the group chat.


Rye’s P.O.V

Part of me is disappointed that I don’t get Andy all to myself, Yet kind of happy that he asked to hang out with the other. Having more friends wouldn’t be a treble thing, most people don’t even look me in the eye, which hurts more than you would think.

Some people crave to have power and have others fear them, but I am not one of those people. I and Jack don’t talk to others because we only really need each other, plus we knew that people would just judge us and be fake. After a while, people just started calling us the “bad boys”.

Which our looks don’t help us with the whole “bad boy”. Jack is tall with fluffy dark brown hair, when you look at him you see a quite, yet stemming guy. Then there is me, I have dark brown hair but less long and thick then Jacks. 

Jack wears colorful jumpers and shirts with some interesting patterns, while I wear mostly darker clothes. We both wear jeans, but we never wear white jeans out of fear of getting them dirty. 

Now that I think about it Andy and Brook wear more colorful clothes. Andy likes to wear white jeans a lot, while Brook like joggers more. Mikey so far looks to be the most colorful one out of everyone. Sonny wears mostly jackets and tank tops, plus he has been wearing a beanie since he started school. Which reminds me I need to text the group.

Hey, do you guys want to go to the park across the school after school?

I’m down


Ok, but I and Brook have to be home by 7 pm

Let me ask my mom

I asked mom she said its ok

Should we all meet at the front of the school?

That sound good

You called me Babe over text!

You guys are so cute😥

Brook and Jack are couple goals all the way

We are the best couple
So we are good with meeting at the front of the school later




After school at the park

Mikey’s P.O.V

I am chasing Brook for taking my last candy, while Jack and Sonny are talking about a new upcoming singer. Andy has his head in Rye’s lap trying to take a nap.

I  and Brook raced back to the others out of breath. Brook layed down on his back on the warm and soft grass. Andy sit-ups and pats the spot next to him, I take the hint and sit next to him. Andy lays back down he puts his head in my lap and his feet in Ryes.

Rye looks over at me with sad eyes, as if his favorite dog just chose me over him. Should I move? I don’t want Rye to think that I like Andy in the way he does. Tho, I did think of Rye that way before, but after seeing the looks he gives Sonny when he is close around Andy I got the hint.

When I look into Rye’s eye I realize he is not mad, just disappointed. He must be able to tell that I and Andy are like brothers. We may have never been close before, but we still look out for each other, Andy is a better brother than Sonny has ever been anyways.

Besides, I think I may have found someone who would suit me better. The question is are they going to want to even be friends. Will they think that I am too weird for them? 

We have never talked before, but they did save me. They stood up for someone they didn’t even know. I want someone who will be there for the happy and sad times. I feel like Heavey maybe be that person, but I want to get to know them better first.

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