The Walk

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Rye P.O.V
School oh how I hate you. The only good thing about it is getting to see the guy I like. That right I like guys and girls. I and my friend are the schools "bad boys" we don't act like ones that much. We fight people who ask for it. Plus we don't bully other kids. Another thing we are NOT dumb. I am in the top 3 in all my classes. Who is the boy I have my eye on you ask?

Well, that would be Andy Fowler. He is smart and cute and kind to others. There just one problem, that problem is Harvey. Everyone says they are dating. They say this because they hug all the time and hang out. Plus Harvey gives Andy kisses on the cheek. He has no right to do that only I can. Everyone knows Andy is Bi so I have a chance.


Robbe called from downstairs.
Robbe is my oldest brother I have two younger ones, but they went to school already. I am already ready to go. I have black pants and a shirt with a jacket. I grab my car keys from my deck and head downstairs.

I said goodbye to Robbe and leave. I arrived at school at about 15mins later. Just in time to see Andy and Brook get pushed to the ground. I had seen Andy getting bully before but I know he would want to fight his own battles.

That's when it happened. Andy hit the guy bullying him. Who knew Andy was that strong? I have NEVER seen Andy fight back, so why did he today?

"Did you see Andy and Brook!"

Jack said as he comes running over to me.

You see jack has a thing for Brook like how I have a thing for Andy. Only I think Andy is way cuter than Brook. We fought about that one time.

"I did see them. Have you ever seen Andy fight back before?"

I asked as we started walking inside the school.

"No, but I hope Brook is ok and not hurt. If he is then I am going to kill the **** that bullied him"

Jack says as he heads off to his class. I wave bye and start to head to mine. I have all classes with Andy on A days. I walk into the classroom to see Andy in is window seat and Harvey talking to him. Harvey hugs him and kisses his head and cheek. That it! It is go time. Harvey then leaves the room. So I go into for the kill.


I said in his ear as I walked by and ruffled his hair too. He looked so shooked and cute. I can see a deep red blush start to form on his face. It is time to make Andy mine slowly but surely.

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