Spin The Bottle

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Jack's P.O.V
The new kids are nice. I and Sunny have been talking about food and our favorite songs. We may not like the same food, but we have a  similar taste in music. We shared each other's playlists in math class. So far I know all the songs on his list.

I had an idea and asked Sunny for his and Mikey's number. O made a group chat with everyone from lunch in it. From there we all planned a get together after school. Everyone agreed to go, but Andy seems reluctant to say yes.

Could it be that someone in the group makes Andy uncomfortable? Could it be me? Maybe it weirds-out Andy that I am dating his little brother? If that is true then, wouldn't Andy be uncomfortable at lunch? 

Could it be that he figured out what Rye has been doing? If not, I hope he does soon. Rye cares about Andy more than anyone. Rye is like a bigger brother to me. Rye was there when I would be crying at night about how worthless I felt. He is the one that helped me to see that I am worth as much as the next person.

Now, why would you want to hang out on a school night? Well, I want to get more friends. Plus getting Rye some friends would help him out some. Rye is there for everyone he cares about, well it is my turn to be there for him.

So that brings us to now. We are all sitting now on the floor spinning a bottle of trouble. I have Sunny on my right and Andy on my left to which, Sunny was not very happy about. I want to get to know Any more. On Andy's right is Brook. Next to Brook is Mikey. Next to Mikey is Rye. Meaning Rye has Sunny on his left.

I spin the bottle first and it lands on Mikey.

" So when the bottles on someone the person who spins it gives them a dare. So, Mikey, I dare you to eat a full spoon of dog food. We use to have a dog, but he died of old age."

I could see Mikey's face drop the minute I said dog food. I got up and went to the kitchen which is right in front of my room. I get the dog food from under the kitchen sink. I put some on a spoon and took it back to my room. 

"Open wide Mikey"

I joked as I put the spoon in his mouth. After a minute of trying to eat it Mikey run to the bathroom and throw up the dog food. We started to laugh. 

Andy was the first to go make sure Mikey was ok. I could see Rye in the corner of my eye. He looked a bit jealous at the way that Andy cares for Mikey. Though I can tell that Andy and Mikey have a brotherly bond. Like the one that Rye and I have.

After an hour things were getting crazy. I had to kiss the front part of Sunny's shoe. Rye had to lick the bathroom sink. 

Sunny had to call him mom and tell her he killed a cat. which made her cry. Brook had to tell my next-door neighbors that he is going to marry me. To which they ask if they could come to.

Andy has to sit in Rye's lap til the game is over. Sunny looks berserk and ready to grab Andy and run away. Mikey looked a bit hurt but happy for Andy and Rye. I like Sunny but o don't think that he gets that Andy is Ryes. Oh well.

Andy got in Rye's lap. Andy sat sideways, resting his head in Rye's chest. Rye then place hands around Andy to keep him for falling. 

30mins later

Everyone started to leave. I had planned to drive Brook and Andy home. Sunny and Mikey want to walk home. After Sunny and Mikey left, we started to get up. 

"Guys, Andy is asleep it could be that he didn't get his lunch nap."

Rye said as he got up, with Andy still in his arms.

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