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At school

Sonny's P.O.V

It is 4th period, which for me is math. I and Mikey have math together. I wanted to walk Andy to class, but I need to ask Mikey about something.

I see the way that he looks at Rye. He is falling in love with his looks-wise. When he doesn't know what Rye is like as a person. 

I may not show that I care about Mikey, but he is my brother he means the world to me. I just wanted to give him space to grow into his own person. Now I see that he thinks that I don't care about him. I want to change that.

So I can't stand when he gets hurt by others. Mikey has dated before. In the end, though they end up cheating or leaving him cold and devastated.

Mikey will put others before himself. When he loves someone he gives them his all even if it leaves him ruined. All Mikey wants is to feel cherished.

"Hey, Mikey do you like that Rye guy?"
I asked as we turned a corner.

"Sonny I can tell you don't like him, but if I do like him it is not your business anyways. You don't care about me."
Mikey said as he started to walk faster.

"Mikey, you are my brother I will always care about you. Even if I stuck at showing it. I want to start to show that I do care about you. I am doing that now, by making sure that you don't fall for a person that is wrong for you."
I said as I grab Mikey's hand

"There is more to Rye than you think, you wanted to show you care about me? Then let me do what I want."
Mikey said as he turned to walk away from me.

"We have been looking for you two"
A guy said as he came wards me and Mikey.

This guy looks the one Andy told me to look out for. The one that bullies him and Brook

"That's right we wanted to ask you guys something."
A girl said as she walked over to me and got in my face.

"I am sorry but who are you guys?
Mikey said 

"My bad, I am Jade and my friend over there is Nick.
Jade said as she walked to where Nick is.

"We want you guys to be our friends, but you are going to have to drop those fags, Andy and Brooklyn."
Nick said.

"They are our friends we not going to leave them. They told me about how you bullying them. Don't ever call them fags again. Have a nice day."
I said as I grabbed Mikey's hand and started to walk away.

"You look here hot topic, you join us or we beat up your little brother here."
Jade said as she grabbed Mikey and give him to Nick to hold.

Mikey's P.O.V

I have never been bullied or beat up, but that sure as hell doesn't mean that I am not scared out of my mind. What did I do to make these people mad at me? 

Are they really going to beat me up, just for not becoming bullies like them? What is Sonny going to do? He loves Andy more than me. Is he going to let them beat me up just to keep Andy safe?

"Let Mikey go Nick."
Harvey said as he and Jack came from behind Nick.

"Well, look who it is the little prince of the school"
Nick said.

"Oh Harvey, don't you look cute today"
Jade said as she walked next to me.

"What are you doing with Sonny and Mikey?"

"Just taking care of some business. You should just keep on walking."
Jade said.

"You have no business with them so let them go"
Jack said.

"Look at you little prince got your own bodyguard. What does he have on you Jack to make you want to even be around him?"

As soon as Nick said that He got punched by...

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