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what kind of sleeper are you?

when i was still a 7, i used to run away from my mom's stick just to escape from my sleeping time. i would let her follow me outside the house and laugh when she's tired, lol. crazy kid.

when i was still 10, i used to stay up all night with my pajamas and slippers while watching my favorite cartoon, that was Peppa Pig. i will be laughing as soon as Peppa and her family started laughing, making my dad wake up from his sleep and he'll make the "shh" sound because mom might hear me. dad is always on my side, bleee mom haha.

when i turned 14, i could still remember how i secretly open my mom's phone to log in my Facebook account. i'll be chatting my crush hehe then chuckle silently as he threw a corny joke on me. the joke was corny but i laughed because of course, it was my crush!

but when i turned 16, i can still remember how i stayed up till sunrise, crying. it isn't a heartbreak but a soul break. i don't know how the pieces of my soul went away-it left me. left me crying. left me alone. left me missing.

now, i'm 24, facing the road full of cars from my condo's terrace, letting the cold breeze embrace me. it's already 3, but my whole system isn't still sleepy. i can't feel anything, does this happen? i'm not sad nor happy, just breathing.

how about you?

what kind of sleeper are you?

i bet you're feeling the way i'm feeling too;

empty, are you?

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