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’twas 12 in the midnight when monsters started to climb up from my bed. will you laugh at me if i tell you that i saw them? big fangs. dark eyes. watering mouth. huge body in a black fur. their faces were vivid that i thought that they're still here beside me—watching my moves.

they crawled onto my feet so i kicked them, but instead of backing out, they grabbed my foot and i tried to scream... believe me, i did... but no words came out from my mouth. i became voiceless. i am always am.

how did i escape from them? i didn't know either. i just dived in the depth of their eyes and there i saw fragility, fear, and longing. they maybe witnessed how my facial expression changed—from being scared to being soft, that's why they stopped being rude and just vanished.

there are really no monsters but cruelty, the greatest villain, there is.

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