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since i was a kid, i could always hear mom's warning: never talk to strangers.

  i.   never talk to strangers for
       they  might take  you to a
       p l a c e  you  never knew.

mom was right. some strangers can really take you into another places for i have taken into a place with so much magic and love when i met him.

ii.   never talk to strangers and
       never  e a t  whatever they
       offer  for it can d e s t r o y
       your stomach.

mom was right again. strangers can destroy your stomach, some will make the butterflies in your stomach gone wild. it's destroying.

iii.   never talk to
         strangers for
         they can cause
         you harm.

this time, mom is really really right. some strangers—ohh i'm wrong— most strangers will just cause you harm. they do.

they'll make your eyes mist.

they'll stole your heart and will walk away, leaving tiny pieces of puzzles that are difficult to put back.

so you, never talk to strangers for as they walk closer, you're in danger.

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