&&. 11

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whenever he asks me, “what if you'll get tired? will you let go of my hand?” i would always smile bitterly, preparing my lips to utter truth.

what if i get tired? well then, ask yourself first, are you going to let me be it?

honey, i am raised by my mom with truths living in my stomach, so i'm going to spit some of it.

if i get tired, then i'm tired. my understanding capacity is a candle, which is as big as a rocketship. use me again and again and do the things that makes my capacity end, till i got finished.

i am not a superhero wearing those red, stupid capes. instead, i wear mindfulness, justice, bravery, and honesty.

never expect me to hold your hand if you're going to slip yours.

never expect an i love you once again if you had ignore mine hundred times.

i'm not a heartless one, but your actions are making me be it, then so be it.

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