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sometimes, i ask you within my imaginations;

do you really love me or you're just too sad when you saw me?

do you really need me or you're just scared being alone?

do you really care about me or you're just doing it because you think that that's the only thing for me to say you love me?

do you really wanna hold my hand or you're just afraid having nothing to hold?

do you really wanna do the things you're doing for me or you're just being forced by the so-called concept of love?

i want to ask you those questions to clarify my own mind, but i'm scared you'll answer the latter.

i'm scared hearing that you aren't loving me the way you promised since day 1.

cause sometimes, it feels so...nothing. nothing but a concept of love (fake love?)

if this is love, please keep that love inside your pocket and find another girl that is good at playing hearts, not me. please.

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