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             l  o  s  t

four letters, yet feels like hundreds for i can't even pronounce it properly whenever they're asking me if how's my day, how's my life, how's being me.

after being l-o-s-t for a long time, i have concluded its meaning.

l = longing for the presence of love, peace, and color of life.

have you been there? where the world looks so black, white, gray, and unexplainable? because me, i'm living with it everyday.

o = overthinking from the things that will never happen...but...what if. what if it happens? what if everything inside this chaotic mind happens?

what if...

s = scared of being alone, even though i am already am.

waking up and feeling no one's presence, no noise but still has no peace.

t = torturing the mind.

“they say monsters are created by our minds, so does this mind wanted me dead?” i kept on asking that question to no one, for i know, no one will understand because even i, don't.

“how's your day?”

“i'm lost.”

“what? what did you say?”

“i said, i'm okay.”

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