&&. 37

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last week, i received a box. maybe that was the box you promised 3 years ago and it just came today but ironic it is that the box you promised fulfilled its word while your hundred words didn't make it through the end.


that's the patched words indicated outside the box, it sounds like his leaving was already written in his calendar, like it was all scripted. it made me think, were his sugarcoated words scripted too? or just like genuine lovers along the sideways, their words were waterfalls, streaming down without limits and without any filter while their love was as infinite as the ocean. i guess, ours was different, i can't say that your words were waterfalls because your words stay still and your love wasn't like ocean since your love was estimated. you know when and where will it end.

funny how i still expected that i would see some of your lies inside the box but all i could see is how fake your love is; 3 fake flowers, burnt letters, our polaroids.

i shouldn't have opened the box because yeah, you're right, it's full of bad memories and your falseness.

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