&&. 17

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what was not enough? me or everything i did?

waking up in a familiar place i never get comfortable with, i kept on wishing to just stop waking. it felt like i'm slowly losing my appetite in everything:

i am not passionate with my passion,
i am not happy with my hobbies,
i am not having fun in games,
i am not learning in education.

maybe the reason why i lost my feelings for those, is because i'm tired trying again and again, that it made me insane and lose myself.

i wanted it to be perfect
i wanted it to be beautiful
i wanted it to be worth it
i wanted it to be like others.

to the point that i'm forgetting why i tried doing those in the first place; because i love it. but today, i don't even know what love for passion is.

i kept on doing my best yet my best will never be enough... or i am the one who will never be enough?

have you ever felt that when you were creating a masterpiece for someone but that person rejected your effort? because i, i'm feeling that right now. no—not just right now but everyday. the world is rejecting me everyday, it's a daily routine.

what was not enough? me or everything i did? hmm, maybe both.

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