&&. 53

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please let's meet again for the first time.

let's meet again for the first time, i wanted to hold you so so bad and never let go of you. i wanted to spend the whole day with you rather than go home and do things on my own.

let's meet again for the first time, maybe in the coffee shop you love or maybe in other countries. let's pretend we don't know each other and shake hands for the first time.

let's meet again for the first time, i promise not to lose you. i promise not to leave you when they're forcing me to. i promise not to listen to them. i promise, my love.

let's meet again for the first time, i can give you your favorite ice cream. i can give you all the cherries in my cake if you like them. i can give you all my popcorn in the cinema if you'd run out of popcorn to take.

let's meet again for the first time, i would love to never lose you in my arms again. i was hoping i don't need to.

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