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                      ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɴɢ
              Lose You To Love Me

     2:08 ━━━━◉─────── 4:02

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I. You promised the world and I fell for it.

it was December when you confessed me your feelings and spill some promises. i knew that those promises will be buried just like those people being buried to death, but still, i held it and kept it. i believed it. i fell for it.

II. I put you first and you adore it.

i started falling for you too and when i love, i love truly. i am the first one who said the three magic words, and you adored it. you really do.

III. I needed to lose you to find me.

following days, my nightmares are starting to be real. you're being cold. you're being timid. you can already ignore me. i tried losing and ignoring you too, but you started telling me iloveyous and assuring me that it's true. i believed you, again.

IV. I needed to hate you to love me.

we were okay for awhile but you became cold again after a week. if God permits, i would curse you to death while asking if you merely love me, but i didn't. i'm very fond of you that i can't curse you, but i'm starting to hate everything you do. i don't hate you, i just hate what you're doing to me. the day came when i turned into a volcano, exploding hot magma and rocks, still, you told me you love me. how i wish you're being true.

then, when i went back to my senses and took off the lies covering my eyes, i realized that this isn't love. it's pity.

you don't love me, you pity me.

you don't really wanna stay with me, you're just scared being alone.

you don't love me, so i lose.

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