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“am i considered as a great poet
if i follow the steps of those great ones?” asked by a teenager wearing eyeglasses and holding multiple books in her tiny arm.

but nah, i just shook my head and told her that no. she won't be able to call herself great if she's following other's path.

anyone can call any person as someone who's great but telling yourself that you are what they think with your own words isn't easy for if you know down to yourself that you're using someone else's path in approaching your goal, you'll never be so sure of your name. you might also end up writing their name on a paper that is supposed to be yours.

i tell you, the moment you walk where your heart wanted you to go, you're already amazing, but right after you follow someone else's way, you failed listening to your heart since you keep on listening to other people. how can you tell yourself in the end that you won on your own if in the first place, you weren't even listening to your soul?

follow your own voice and create your own path. having bravery is what makes you great.

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