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they told me that i should love myself but... how?

how can i love someone who has demons living inside her?

how can i love myself if every time i'm trying to do it, the demon within me awakens and will start convincing me that i am not lovable, that i don't deserve anything but hate, that i don't deserve love.

how can i tell myself that i'm beautiful when every time i utter words to lift me up, my mind starts to drag me down, saying that i have no beauty in me. they're telling me that i don't fit in any definition of beauty; i'm pale, fat, full of scars, everything that can be found in me is just not enough to be included in the list of so-called attractive girls. 

so educate me, how can i love myself if every time i look at my reflection, i see nothing but demons living in my head. they're screaming infinite judgements so... how?

how can i love myself when the only thing i can do is to contradict my own words and actions?

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