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if i will let you meet five girls with different personalities, will you still love me?

on monday, i'll let you meet Maggie. she's pretty, of course, but what makes her different? she has an attitude. don't tell her that i told you but yeah, that's true. she'll be annoyed with you every single time but she's fun to be with. she's so honest and pure and she's sweet on her own way.

on tuesday, i'll let you meet Cassandra. she loves white, white, and white just like her soul—very clean. she's that kind of girl that will make you fall in love with her kindness and mindset. i love how she talks for her voice calms my nerves... so relaxing.

on wednesday, i'll let you meet Sasha. her name sounds like Sisa, the crazy lady in Noli Me Tanggere, but Sasha isn't crazy—she's just wild. she goes to party and loves to have fun with her friends. she always love being with other people and she's has a very very fun life!

on thursday, i'll let you meet Lily. she's the kind of girl who excels in class and is very passionate on what she's doing. her life is already planned but don't get me wrong, she isn't boring because she'll narrate stories to make you smile and she'll dedicate her every poem only for you. isn't she sweet?

and on friday, i'll let you meet Mariel. she's the most vulnerable one. other people call her weak for she's always crying inside her room but honestly, she's the bravest among all of them. once you needed someone, call her, lean on her, and hold her hand. i promise, she won't lose her grip on you.

if i will let you meet all these girls with different personalities who are actually inside me, will you be freaked out and leave or will you still love me?

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