&&. 43

56 0 0

&&. 18+

good girls bring heaven to you~”

i let out a small smile upon hearing the song, hmm is it true? i'm currently cleaning my bookshelf full of philosophy books, my mother gave me these. she thought i'm a good girl so she bought the book i wanted to read.

i put back the clothe i used to clean somewhere and laid down my bed. i grabbed the pillow beside me as i started to think what happened yesterday night.

i was sitting on someone's lap, holding his nape while his hands were owning my breasts that were full of metaphors and idioms inside. i reached for his soft lips and tasted every inch of it. we both giggled between our kisses, i tell you, i could hear poetries in there.

after tasting each other's graves found in our mouths, he started pulling my white shirt off and i started to unbutton his shirt so i can brush my fingers down to his body and lick it. i pushed him lightly and crawled close to him. we were like in Hades's place, it was so hot. i slowly pulled his boxers and made me face his sword—

i stopped re-seeing our story in my mind when i felt someone's hand in my waist,

“are you up for another turn, my good girl?”

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