&&. 49

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i have seen the sun goes up and goes down. rainbows after the rain and thunders before the rain. low tides on the sea and high tides on the ocean. people come and people go. it makes me wonder if they ever saw me move an inch for everyone seems moving, everything seems changing yet i feel like i am stuck in here.

i do not know if not moving is way better than walking backward, i have done them both either. i watched my feet sink in a mud and i never pulled myself up. i watched how the waters in my world fall down and slowly lose them but i never tried catching its drops. i watched how green stems crawl in my room's window but i never tried cutting them down. and i hate this. i hate how i let things fall when i used to let everything perfect around me. i am not sure who am i becoming tomorrow but i am scared i wouldn't be able to reach that day. i would choose to let my feet sink and sink and sink and sink and sink and sink until it kills me. fighting is not worth it anymore and i hate this. i hate writing this.

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