fight 10

98 3 0

(Shikai POV)

I've never personally met Ilpyo before but when I first met him, I immediately felt a connection, he walked towards me and held out his hand I shook it and he smiled.

Naruto: "woah you're the kurama of this dimension."

Ilpyo: "kurama? You mean the ninetails? He's my borrowed power."

Naruto: "wait if you are borrowing power from him that makes you the me of this dimension."

Ilpyo: "you're telling me that you are the host for the ninetails?"

Naruto: "believe it"

Ilpyo: "now I do, I sense similar energy from you I'm curious what would happen if we fought."

Shikai: "you'll get smacked around, I'm not joking we're stronger now we took down a Conquistador by ourselves."

Ilpyo: "sure I'll give you that but do you think you can do it again? Im pretty sure the other members are alot stronger."

He's looking down on us, it pisses me off I didn't realize that my energy level is getting higher and higher, making everyone shocked.

Ilpyo: "do you really wanna fight me?"

His hair turned white and two fox ears appeared from his head and he became enfulfed in flames, flames so hot he melted the floor he was standing on, he hovered and started melting the walls with his heat. The walls of this building has a very high melting point even higher than tungsten or titanium and his not even on his first tail. I prepared to summon naruto but mori and daewhi came to stop us. Daewhi pulled me back while mori teleported behind Ilpyo and tapped his shoulders.

Mori: "you should really watch your mouth and Shikai dont be too confident in your abilities he is part of the six that means his strength is on par with me and daewhi."

Shikai: "sorry I didn't know what got into me. Lets shake on it hyung we'll have a friendly spar some other time."

Ilpyo: "sure thing lil fox cub"

We both shook hands but suddenly we felt a cold presence, we turned back and heard a menacing laugh from down the corridor.

???: "prepare to meet your maker you inferior fools"

???: "now now settle down Frieza let me handle them first, they did well against my wood clones afterall."

Frieza: "sure I'll just torture them as you take your time with that brat."

This voice its madara, didn't I kill him already? He said something about Clones? The madara from before were his clone?, if that is true then how strong is the real one. The sound of footsteps stopped and a bright light appeared at the end of the tunnel.

Mori: "everyone watchout."

A giant fire ball filled up the tunnel and was coming right at us, this attack its Madara's Majestic Destroyer Flame.

Shikai: "Natsu, Tsuna help me out once again."

I formed a diamond shape with my hands and tried to stop the flame, slowly i was absorbing it turning it to ice but the impact was strong that it was pushing me back, I opened my mouth and ate the flame as I was changing it into ice. When I finally absorbed all the flame I vaccuumed all the ice as they were technically made of flames, I feel myself full of power and got ready to release it all back to them.

Shikai: "X-Burner Of The Fire Dragon Max Output."

I shot a bigger blast from before melting even the surrounding walls, shocking Ilpyo, my flames were hotter than his.

Frieza: "Madara you fool, you gave him more firepower."

Madara: "don't worry I'll protect us"

I heard the impact but I need to make sure that I finish him off for good.

Shikai: "National Treasure: Sky Lion Na'tsu."

The sky Lion formed a flaming gauntlet which I then further increase it firepower with fire dragon slayer magic I call this.

Shikai: "Fire Dragon Burning Axel Maximum Flare."

With a fullpowered flaming fist on my right I use my left and propel my self forward, I blast forward and I saw Madara under his Susanoo armour.

Naruto: "use my cloak as an added strength. I'll even share some of my sage energy."

I feel it this is the strongest attack I can do at the moment, I punched his susanoo cracking the rib-caged and landing a hit on Madara's chest, I pushed him and slammed him against the wall. I did it for real this time my hand was through his chest he should be dead.

Madara: "you surprise me, if i were to really get hit by that no doubt I would have died but you still fell for the same trick."

The madara was another wood clone he turnes to wood and bind me, shit I can't move, this is bad being in-between 2 Conquistador, what do I do now? Im dead so dead I can't break free, frieza point his index finger towards me while charging up.

Frieza: "die you insolent fool"

Naruto: "you stupid or something use my dad's kunai and get out of there."

Shit why didnt I think of that, I threw the kunai and teleported away before frieza could shoot me, I threw more and used the shuriken shadown clone to make it tricky for frieza to attack me. In a matter of seconds I came back to mori and the rest.

Ilypo: "we gotta go now."

We ran and daewhi used his force of attraction to pull the walls in and close the tunnel, Frieza and Madara was ordered to pull back.


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