fight 9

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(Shikai POV)

It's been a few months and I can just feel all the energy in me, I have become stronger. I've been training with goku and am now able to use mastered ultra instinct for 10 minutes but after that I'm rendered immobile for a couple of hours. I met up with Jun and Seungmin and even though their energy levels are lower than mine I know they have improved their energy are as high as I was before training with goku.

Shikai: "how are you guys?"

Jun: "better than ever I trained with my dad and now I'm able to use direct contract."

King Uma: "yep moo we have gotten even stronger than before moo."

Seungmin: "same here, Jwala and I have really bonded my magma have never been hotter."

Shikai: "well I have unlocked a few more borrowed powers."

Jun & seungmin: "what? How many can you unlock?"

Shikai: "I don't know but I think I can unlock more. Anyways where's mori?"

We walked together to visit mori but when we arrived we were shocked, mori turned to a kid again, he's as vulnerable but why do I feel like his energy levels are the same.

Jun: "mori you're tiny."

Mori: "don't let this body trick you I'm still as strong as ever think of this as me being prestige I just increase my level cap."

Daewi: "lucky you to have that power I'm just getting older by the day."

He's right I can see that he's aged but he's power level have increased alot. As we we're catching up with each other I sensed a presence, I looked around but can't see anything.

Naruto: "this chakra it's Madara he's here."

Madara: "impressive well I'm just here as a scout but I'll test you powers."

He appeared above me and above him hiding in the clouds were 6 meteors the size of the moon.

Shikai: "crazy bastard, Jun, seungmin handle the meteors I'll handle this freak."

Madara: "oh a challenge interesting."

I teleported behind him which shook him, I've already placed a marker on him when we last fought I kicked him down causing a huge crater, I teleported to him again and pulled out my zanpakuto my own version that I decided to call ryugetsu. I stabbed him but an invisible wall is blocking me.

Naruto: "limbo shadows."

He flew back and shot a few fire balls at me big ones. I have a borrowed power perfect for this moment.

Shikai: "Borrowed power fusion, Fire user."

I unlocked them when training the 2 fire users Natsu dragneel and Tsunayoshi Sawada. I formed a diamond with my thumbs and absorb the flame turning it to ice and I ate all the surrounding flame increasing my fire power.

Shikai: "burn to ashes, X-burner of the fire dragon."

I shot big waves of flames towards Madara he screamed in agony as I increased the temperature.

I unleashed all my stored flames and after that huge energy shot, I saw Madara on the floor crumbling away.

Madara: "I'll take you with me."

He shot wood spikes from his hands and he increased the numbers with wood clones.

Shikai: "national treasure, Sky Lion Na'tsu."

And small lion cub appeared on my shoulder and it turned to a cape which I used to deflect the wood spikes. I teleported to him and cut his head off. That makes one of the 10 conquistador members.

I turned back to see that Jun and seungmin is easily dealing with the meteors, mori and Daewi weren't worried about as they trained together if anything they trust us to handle all this chaos. The executives came a few minutes later and saw all the mess from the meteor and when they saw Madara's body, they were shocked we were able to take down one of the members of Conquistador. We started heading to the HQ where ilpyo is waiting for us and the elite forces consisting of people from Generation X.


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