Fight 14

43 3 1

(Shikai POV)

This whole domain expansion thing is really broken, I feel like I can take on anyone at this point, if I just improve on my stamina and endurance I bet I can hold this domain expansion for very long I might even be able to match mori when I'm in the domain.

Mori: "yo Shikai Ilpyo told me about a new move you have something that actually force him to use all 9 tails and still lose."

Shikai: "oh mori speak of the devil, yeah Ilpyo was no match in my domain. I wonder if the same thing will happen to you, I guess we'll never find out."

Mori: "why? Let's spar, I wanna witness this myself."

Shikai: "but you're not as strong as you were before and you're still injured."

Mori: "don't look down on me kid, let's go I've beaten you once I'll beat you again."

We head to the sparing room and the door closed everyone was spectating our spar but it's no use in my domain nothing can be seen from the outside.

Ilpyo started the battle and mori rush towards me, I threw my kunai and he caught it and threw it back at me, as expected he knows my every move, I caught the kunai and ran towards him. He used his left leg and kicked my left Thigh making me stop on my tracks and throwing me off balance and he kicked me away.

Mori: "always remember if you knock your opponent off their balance their tempo will be ruined."

He took out yeoui that he had kept in his ear and made it expand towards me, luckily for me I have already marked yeoui and teleport on top of it. I used yeoui as a platform and ran towards mori and kicked him.

Mori: "not bad you've improved since the last time we fought."

I kicked him again but this time I used Itadori's divergent fist technique and he felt the kick twice.

Mori: "interesting, this is getting fun."

I teleported to him again and threw an overhead punch but caught it and hit me in the face with his elbow.

Mori: "renewal taekwondo, recoiless Arang."

That hit almost knocked me out but I held on and from the ground emerged my two clones with magnet rasengan. And they got a hit in and a third one holding his feet this should immobilise him for awhile I began focusing and spread my curse energy out.

Ilpyo: "mori you either stop him or get outta there, that move is dangerous."

Mori: "I'm trying to just shut up and watch me work."

My domain is complete I smirked and looked at mori in the eyes.

Shikai: "I got you now mori, Domain Expansion, Shounen's Arena."

Mori looked around and was amazed at the domain.

Mori: "beautiful, so this is your new move?"

Shikai: "shut up I'll end this quickly GUYS LETS GO."

mori: "bring it on I'll take all of you on."

Naruto, Ichigo and Natsu went first naruto shared his chakra cloak with everyone increasing their strength and defense, naruto turned to the ninetails and fired a tailed beast bomb, Ichigo released his bankai and did a super big getsuga Tenshou, while Natsu activated dragon force and blast a huge fire from his mouth.

Mori: "Recoiless:Jin Hoechook."

A single kick and all the attacks vanished, everyone was surprised. I finally see him, his god form completed with the head piece.

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