Fight 2

436 7 3

(Shikai POV)

I stood outside the number 7 door and noticed something very different from the other teams door. As I was walking there pass team 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 door it was very loud as if they actually wanted to be out together but mine was dead silent, maybe they are not here yet. I entered the room and saw Jun sitting and cleaning his weapon, he glanced at me and avoids eye contact.

Shikai: "so are we the only one?"

Jun: "I don't know."

Shikai: "I look forward to working with you, let's win this."

Silence... He didn't answer me, can I really trust this guy? I sat on the bed and start to play with my phone when I heard a knock on the door, when it opened a guy with white hair walked in he took out his head phone and looked at the both of us, he then rushed towards Jun.

???: "Omg I'm a fan of you, you demonstrated amazing abilities last round, and I can't believe I'm in a team with such a strong fighter."

Jun: "huh? Ah. Yes look forward with working with you too, tell me what's your borrowed power and your name."

Seungmin: "park seungmin, and my borrowed power don't be surprised is The Third Crown Jwala. One of the prince of natak."

Jun: "woah Jwala? The one who controls magma? That's a strong one, how did you even contact him? You must be strong."

Seungmin: "hehe oh and you Shikai was it? Jwala is getting the ninetails vibes from you and he isn't happy he lost to the ninetails before."

Shikai: "ninetails? Naruto what is he talking about"

Naruto: "ninetails is a friend of mine a different ninetails from your dimension and I never even met him believe it."

Shikai: "you heard him?"

Jwala: "I don't care bring out the fox, if it's a fox with nine tails thn I'll gladly fight him."

Seungmin brought me to the sparring where we called our borrowed power Naruto and Jwala, he smiled as two glowing orbs appear infront of me.

Seungmin: "national treasure Third Crown of Natak and Shades of Jwala."

Shikai: "what will that do?"

Seungmin: "the crown ensures that you won't seal my powers and the shades amplify any fire attribute attacks."

Shikai: "tch fine then national treasure Cloak of Kurama And Minato's Kunai let's get this party started."

We ran and each other and I threw my kunai to him he easily doged it and he threw a magma fist at me, I teleported behind him and tried to stab him when lava erupts from behind him making me teleport back by throwing the kunai backwards. Jwala smiled and Seungmin followed afterwards, naruto tapped my shoulder and I placed my finger together and used the shadow clone technique making 10 copies of my self.

Jun: "clones? Like the monkey king? king Uma is he Jaecheondaesong?".

King Uma: "no... He isn't anything like my brother, but he might be as strong."

My clones run towards Seungmin and he summoned lava clones of his own.

Seungmin: "anything you can do, I can do better"

We watched as the clones fight each other my clones slowly dissapeared leaving a thick cloud of fog, I used this and surprised attack him and punch his shades out smashing him to the floor, he tried getting up but I summoned 2 clones and used them to launch my self like a projectile, I spun and kicked him in his gut. He spat some saliva and holds his abdomen as he got up. He groaned as he summoned a giant Lava monster and have it chase after me, I tried creating distance but he made a few lava clones from behind me and he prepared to erupt magma from the earth core the moment I stop.

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