Fight 19: Bongram vs Meliodas

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(Bongram POV)

???: "sate sate sate"

Bongram: "who are you?"

Meliodas: "me? I'm dragon Sin of Wrath Meliodas."

I can't waste any time I charged towards him and thrust my staff deep in his stomach and knocked him back.

Meliodas: "not bad for a kid."

(Narrator POV)

Bongram smiled and took her stance and so did meliodas. They clashed and fought exchanging blows, Bongram smiled as she was surprised she can catch up to him she might even be winning.

Meliodas: "Enchant:Hellblaze"

Meliodas slashed the air and a black crescent slash was headed towards Bongram but she dodged it and rushed meliodas. She fired a beam from her staff but meliodas used full counter and send it right back at her.

Bongram: "you better get serious I know this not the full extend of your power."

Meliodas: "I could but I don't really need to."

Meliodas made his way towards Bongram and used his 1000 divine cuts and Bongram endured the damage. Bongram was mad and Unleashed a flurry of attacks to meliodas, he started bleeding and coughing up blood.

Bongram: "told you you should've fought seriously."

Meliodas fell and laid there lifeless, he smiled as his body dissapeared.

Meliodas: "I told you I don't really need to you did well against my clone but I'm twice as strong as him."

Meliodas ran towards Bongram and slashed her she blocked using her staff but meliodas kept slashing with Incredible speed he smiled as he borrowed luffy's abilities and use armament haki, his blade turned black and he continued slashing, Bongram felt the attack getting heavier as she struggled to keep her hands up.

Meliodas: "I suggest you dodge the next attack and not block it."

Bongram did not heed his warning and blocked the attack and the staff broke. She threw them away and created distance.

Meliodas: "so I won right? No weapon unless you wanna go bare handed."

Bongram: "you're strong indeed, looks like I gotta use the gift mori gave me. Yeoui"

Yeoui appeared from the sky it's sheer weight broke apart the domain, which took some energy away from Shikai. Bongram lifted Yeoui and mori from the audience seat smiled.

Mori: "I gave you my old Yeoui a while ago and now you wanna use it?"

Bongram: "I promise you that I'll use it when mine break."

Bongram charged towards meliodas and swung her yeoui meliodas is struggling to parry because of the weight, he tried to create distance but yeoui extended and strike him in the stomach. Which made him spit blood.

Bongram: "Pumba:Beggars song"

Meliodas is being overwhelmed with attacks he was frustrated and kicked Bongram away.

Meliodas: "you were right I should take this seriously, you're quite good."

Bongram: "whats going on? His aura feels totally different it's as if he's really gonna kill me

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Bongram: "whats going on? His aura feels totally different it's as if he's really gonna kill me."

Meliodas dissapeared and reappeared in front of Bongram slashing her she managed to block in time but was still knocked back quite far away she regained her footing and took her stance but meliodas was already behind her and did 1000 divine cuts. Bongram endured the attack and swung at meliodas knocking him away she ran towards him and slammed him down and placed the yeoui above his neck.

Meliodas: "this is one heavy staff but did you forget I can clone myself?"

The real meliodas appeared behind her and tried to cut her but she barely dodged he took out strands of her hair and grazed her cheek. She tried picking up the Yeoui but the cloned meliodas was holding on to it and kicked her hand away.

Meliodas: "you lost no weapon and I doubt you have another one of that ridiculously heavy staff."

Bongram got on her knees and surrendered. Meliodas smiled and shook her hand.

Meliodas: "hey you're quite good you managed to destroy the domain and luckily I ended it quick I cant exist out of the domain if you had played time you could've won."

Bongram: "if I won that way it's not winning."

Meliodas: "I know but your opponent is not me it never was its Shikai right?"

Bongram looked up and Saw meliodas smiling as he dissapeared.

The End

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