fight 6

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(Shikai POV)

Dean came to us smiling and behind him was Han Daewi he is titled as the god of humans his right eye has a big scar and that's where the powers of the sage came from. He took out a cane and stab it to the ground and a portal opened.

Daewi: "looks like I'll be seeing you again, Mori."

Dean: "master Dan it's been awhile."

Shikai: "my first time in another dimension, I'm excited and even excited knowing I'll be fighting the strongest god."

Jun: "hey king Uma calm down we'll be there soon."

Seungmin: "Jwala, calm down you'll get your revenge for you brother soon."

We all walked in the portal but didn't realize there were someone in our shadows that tagged along with us. Upon reaching I was amazed with the flying dragons and monkey people everywhere one of them came to us and bowed.

Monkey 1: "you must be here to challenge our king again. Come here he's been training."

All of us walked to a mountain when it suddenly moved, below it was a shirtless guy lifting it as if it was nothing, he placed it down and turned around at us, and he got hugged by Dean and King Uma. They looked happy to see him and he was happy to see them, Daewi shook his hands and both of them smiled.

Dean: "master this guy will be fighting you he's the winner for this year's god of highschool, and I must say he has high potential he might be the one."

Mori: "you sure? I bet mori hui can take him"

He walked towards me and stared at me in the eyes, he gives such a strong aura I almost want to kneel down to him but luckily luffy is countering it with his haki

Mori: "yeoui"

He whispered and a pole fell from the sky almost hitting me, mori grabs it and held it over his head, he looks as if he's going to strike me but the fight haven't begun yet, right?

Dean: "what're you doing fight, it started the moment he summons yeoui."

At that moment mori swung down with speed I summoned zangetsu and blocked it but the weight of yeoui was so heavy I got down on my knees.

Mori: "don't you know when you see a king you need to kneel first."

Seungmin: "SHIKAI!!! Jwala let's go it's time."

A lava Bahamut came but it was quickly destroyed from mori just looking at it. He tried to kick me but I was pulled by seungmin while mori was blown away by Jun's Pacho, Jun got in position and summoned 108 battle lances and aims it at mori but he blew them away with a flick of his hand.

Mori: "you sure about this dean? They seem kinda weak I'm not even using 5% of my strength."

Shikai: "bastard come here I'll kill you."

I summoned The big 3 and I shout Bankai I was ready and I charged in I was prepared to slice his neck but he easily blocks and prepared to counter attack. I place my sword in front of me preparing to block and attack but saw dean face palming. Mori used a move called homi gyeol where he used his legs to bring my guard down I was surprised and he followed up with a kick to my chin my neck stretches but I still felt the impact it was strong that I almost passed out. Jun is a mid range fighter he kept trying to hit him with strong gust of wind and his battle lances and Seungmin is trying to erupt lava from below him, our plan was solid but mori is just too fast. He summoned clones around 1000 of them and made them charge at us I also summoned a few clones but it was not enough I bumped fist with naruto to lend some of his chakra.

I managed to summon 500 clones and I dealt with them one by one all of my clones backed away and together we did getsuga tenshou and blasted all his clones away but mori blocked it by enlarging yeoui, it bothers me that mori is not even using his dragon armour suit or geundoowun.

Shikai: "ichigo the mask,"

Ichigo: "no you're not ready yet"

Shikai: "please he's too strong I need the power boost"

Ichigo: "..."

Shikai: "trust me okay"

Ichigo: "5 mins... You got 5 mins."

???: "We meet again Shikai, my name is Kaishi I'm you but stronger let's unite and defeat this monkey."

Shikai: "I don't take orders from you, you shall obey me "

I put on the mask and tried to keep my conciousness, I feel it I'm not losing conciousness yet I'm still in control.

Shikai: "naruto lend me more power I need more chakra I need to give it everything I've got."

Naruto: "you got it"

I hardened my hand and it hardened my sword too and I summon a few hundred more clones I feel my energy depleting so my final attack I shoot out the biggest getsuga tenshou I've ever made it was black in colour, mori enlarge yeoui and placed it infront of him but one of my clones for behind him and teleported him I front of yeoui shocking him.

Mori: "what the? Since when was I here."

Mori sensed he was in trouble and called his armor suit but my clone again teleported him away from it naruto used a sealing rasengan and sealed his armour suits movement, mori just crossed his arm and got hit by all 1010 full powered getsuga tenshou. It created a giant dust cloud and after using almost all my energy I knelt down.

Shikai: "did it work?"

Mori: "interesting I felt real damaged for the first time in forever, I can't wait to fight you when you reach your peak."

Mori equipped his armour suit and moved towards me, I looked up and see he has a few scratches from that attack he kicked my head and I blacked out.

(Jun POV)

Shikai did the most he can but mori was too strong we were also useless in the battle, mori was going to kick and knockout shikai and there's nothing we can do about it, but right before the kick lands, shikai dissapeared and appeared behind mori.

His 3 borrowed power dissapeared and there it appeared a white haired guy. Shikai also had a white aura and his hair turned white. Mori tried striking him with light-speed kicks but shikai is dodging all of it with his eyes closed. He opened it and mori got blasted back.

Mori: "interesting guess I'll have to use a bit more power

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Mori: "interesting guess I'll have to use a bit more power."

Mori charged towards shikai faster than before and his kick were also faster but shikai is dodging it but barely mori got a few shots in and it grazed him. Mori threw yeoui towards him and he caught it but I guess he can't handle the weight yet and he knelt down a little and mori took this chance to do an axe kick on the back of his head but shikai just barely dodged it. Shikai teleported back and was about to charged towards mori but he stopped glowing and fell down even his hair turned back to normal.

Dean: "SHIKAI!!!!"

Mori: "don't worry he's just asleep. I must say he's an interesting guy if he mastered that power I think he might be able to defeat me.


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