Fight 1

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*Sounds of air cutting*

*Huff* *huff*



Sweat fell from my forehead to my chin, eventually hitting the grass, I've been punching the air for a few hours now and in between every punch I keep getting reminded of the horrible things that have happened, it was unbearable all of it happened in one day, the image of that morning where I saw my parents stabbing my brother over and over as he screamed and his blood spewing out like a bloody fountain. The sirens from the police can be heard and my parents smiled at me as they slit their throat. I ran towards them and hugged my brother, the police came and pulled me away from them and brought me to the police station, there my girlfriend sent me a text saying it's over with a video of her having sexual intercourse with a guy I didn't know. All of it kept repeating as I punch the air, I stopped and took a piece of paper from my pocket and looked at it.
Then I remembered his face as he said.

???: "Yo you seem like you had a bad day, here join this tournament you can have any wish granted, ANY.,"

He then dissapeared, I looked him up in the God of Highschool executives and saw him, Dean Ockham a.k.a Executive A leader of Generation X. Borrowed power, Verdandi Goddess of Time. I smiled and continued punching the air, after awhile I stopped and look and my wristwatch, it was time I packed my bags and put on my go-to outfit a plain white shirt a red flannel and jeans with red and black shoes. I ran to the stadium where I was surprised to see the amount of people walking in, there are many types of people, some are big and muscular while others are skinnier but still has strong aura emitting from them. I looked at the giant stadium in awe as someone bumps into me.

???: "Didn't see you there peep squeak"

Shikai: "peep squeak? Are u referring to me?"

???: "Of course I am"

Shikai: "you're underestimating me a bit too much aren't you, what's your name."

Manseok: "Gang Manseok, I'm named after my dad one of the strongest fighter."

Shikai: "how bout we spar right here, I'm Shikai Shonen and I use my own style of martial arts, self taught Shonen Arts."

Manseok: " *laughs* self taught? Don't make me laugh I use ITF taekwondo, and I won't loose to a self taught piece of shit like you."

He then fold his arms and kicked me in the head sending me flying, none of the fighters were surprise as his strength wasn't anything extraordinary, I got up and ducked under the incoming kick and grab onto his grounded foot and lift him. I slammed him on the ground making a huge shockwaves and making him spit some saliva, I punched his solar plexus, knocking out some wind. He gasp as he forms a cross arm block on his face, I place my palm on his block and applied force making him hit his face with his forearm. I jumpee off him, he regained his footing and he wiped off the blood from his nose and looked at me with anger.

Manseok: "you bastard, come here"

He charge towards me and threw a kick, I ducked again and from the momentum I used my elbow and hit his chin, sending him flying through two trees and eventually he stopped at the third one. I ran to him and place my foot on his throat.

Shikai: "had enough?"

Manseok: "I'll see you in the tournament and put you in your place."

Shikai: "go ahead and try, peep squeak"

He got up and walk away and I heard clapping from a single guy, he saw me and waved towards me. I walk to him only to see that he's skinny and same height as me, yet he looks strong. He adjust his specs and smiled.

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