Fight 11

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(At The Conquistador Hideout)

Frieza: "why did you order us to pull back? Don't you know how strong they've gotten in mere months? We need to kill them, NOW!!!"

Madara: "I for once agree with this alien, we need to end them, especially the Shikai guy he's learning, adapting, every moment he's getting new borrowed power and knows how to utilize them to the fullest."

Kaizer: "you've been lazing around while they were training, what do you think will happen if I didnt pull you guys back?"

Frieza: "we would kill them, they will die by the hands of golden frieza."

Aizen: "actually both of you would've died. They have 3 of the six, you'll get smacked around I bet just the kids is enought to take you guys. Lets just stay and train."

Frieza: "if we start training they would too and soon they would have a gap."

Aizen: "they're not as smart as me, trust me lets just practice on our chemistry and we'll strike them together besides our leader is not looking too good."

Kaizer: "don't worry about me I'll be fine in a few more days."

(Shikai POV)

We're here the training grounds of generation X, I probably should do some training.

Ichigo: "yo kid you still haven't defeated Kaishi, defeat him and you'll be alot stronger, but be careful you can't use any borrowed power while fighting him, you can only rely on your skills as a martial artist and a swordsman."

I meditate and soon i appeared in my subconciousness, while everyone's subcobciousness is different mine was an arena and the audiences were the infinite amount of borrowed power I can unlock. I stood in the arena with Kaishi on the far opposite side of me.

Kaishi: "so you're challenging me? You are aware that if you lose, your precious body is mine."

Shikai: "and are you aware that if I win you work for me."

Kaishi: "a lil coky aren't you?"

Ryugetsu appeared beside both of us, I grabbed it and charge towards Kaishi, he stoos there and smile, he swung his sword and shoots a getsuga tenshou in my direction, I jumped over it and did a vertical getsuga tenshou, he easily dodged it and our swords clashed. I let go of the handle and appeared behind him, he was shocked as he didn't expect me to abandon my sword I grabbed his waist and did a suplex.

Kaishi: "that hurts you worthless bitch."

I ran and picked up my sword ready to end it but he blocked with his left arm, resulting in me cutting of his arm. He smiled and went crazy he swung his sword randomly making strong but inaccurate attacks but it doesnt matter if it is inaccurate as we are so close there no way he would miss, he managed to cut my cheek but I got to stab him in the abdomen.

Kaishi: "not bad partner from now on I work for you. Lets destroy our enemies together but remeber the moment I feel that you're lacking I'm taking over."

Shikai: "wait did you really fight me seriously?"

Kaishi: "why would I? You can't fight me serioualy either."

Shikai: "I want a rematch I want your full strength, DONT HOLD BACK."

Kaishi smiled and wielded 2 swords, he got on a low stance and held his 2 sword horizontally infront of him.

Kaishi: "Shounen Arts Remastered: Unknowing Shadow. "

He flashed step behind he covered 600m in less than a second and swung both swords aiming for the back of my neck, I ducked and tried to land a low sweep but again he dissapeared and appeared 50m above me.

Kaishi: "you want my best right? Dont regret this Shounen Arts Remastered: Shadow Otoshi(drop)"

Both blades above and behind his head, he dives down and prepared to decapitate me, I cant dodge this attack I don't have enough time.

Shikai: "fuck I can't die, not yet. Shounen Arts: Flying Raijin"

With the flash step I learned From Ichigo I appeared behind him and swund my sword but his swords were already behind him, he smiled and parried my attack he steps on the ground and spun.

Kaishi: "here's the strogest sword attack I can do right now, Shounen Arts Remastered: Whirling Shadows."

He spun so fast that he ignites the surrounding air I tried to block it with my sword but the impact caused my sword to be blown away, I can't do anything this might be the end I might lose is this how weak I am without my borrowed power? No I can't stop here besides swordsmanship I have martial arts I'm gonna lend this mori.

Shikai: "Re-Taekwondo:Extremely Low Hoechook."

I did an extremely low sweep but he was spinning so fast that it didn't trip him I used more strength and both of us screamed eventually I managed to tip his balance he fell and his swords got stuck on the ground.

Kaishi: "usually I would stop here but since you wanted my best lets continue till one of us is unable to throw a punch."

I smiled and charged at him we took turns punching, kicking, parrying and getting hit.

Kaishi: "here I'll show you how much I've been training in here while waiting to fight you. Shounen Arts Remastered: Burning Axel."

What he can do burning axel but you need Na'tsu to do it. He charged at me but so far his hands are not on fire, was it all fake? when he punched me his hands suddenly got ignited could it be he's punchin so fast he ignited the air around him? I was impressed but not scared I have the perfect move for this, I calmed myself down and breathe.

Shikai: "impressive but my arsenal is just better Shounen Arts: Full Counter."

Before the punch got in my range, I used the back of my hand and guided it to the side I place my foot infront tripping him then from the momentum of him falling I used my guiding hand, transferred the fire to my hand and gave him an uppercut he was knocked out all the energy output was driven back to him with my own strength added to it, he collapsed.

Shikai: "that was close I almost lost."

Kaishi: "you were amazing it was a fun battle now finally lets become one.


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