Fight 16: Dean vs Ichigo

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(Dean POV)

Dean: "this guys is tough I can sense it just looking at every possible outcome, I'm defeated but almost all of them has him badly injure so if I can just increase my output I might win."

Ichigo: "you can see into the future right?"

Dean: "that's correct"

Ichigo: "well must be hard witnessing many way u can lose and die each battle."

Dean: "yeah it is but it's fine as long as I can help my team win battles."

Ichigo: "so what is the outcome of our battle?"

Dean: "I...lost."

Ichigo: "then I don't wanna fight you why waste energy if you already know you will lose."

Dean: "because no matter the outcome I can change it to my liking."

I took off my suit and tie and rolled up my pants. And took a stance, ichigo smiled and place his sword in front of me. At the same time, we both yelled

Dean: "HERE I COME!!!!"

Ichigo: "BANKAI!!!!!"

A huge light appeared from ichigo and he changed his form he has a horn now and I can feel his energy he's strong, he instantly teleported behind me and swung but I predicted this using my borrowed power and barely dodged it.

Ichigo: "not bad to be able to predicted where I'll go using shunpo."

Throughout our whole battle all I could managed was dodging his attack with my borrowed power he was very fast so even if I am able to predict it my body can't move as fast as I hoped and slowly he's getting closer to cutting me, he tore my shirt, cut my hair and grazed my cheek, I finally created distance but with a normal swing, he generated a energy slash just like Shikai's getsuga tenshou.

Dean: "looks like your getsuga tenshou is not as strong as Shikai's"

Ichigo: "really? That's my normal swing though I'll show you my getsuga tenshou."

He launched a crescent energy which was much bigger and faster than Shikai's, again I barely managed to dodge and it cut my shoulder and I began bleeding profusely. I hold my shoulder applying pressure to the wound as he walked slowly towards me.

Ichigo: "it doesn't matter how far in to the future you can read but if your body can't keep up, it hopeless."

Dean: "I KNOW THAT!!"

I picked up a stick step back and swung it.

Dean: "I practiced thousands of hours after watching shikai and you do it now I think I got the hang of it. Take this GETSUGA TENSHOU!!!"

Ichigo: "not bad so you use you future reading powers to train huh but still a getsuga tenshou without proper reiatsu control is still weak."

He easily deflect it without a sweat but it made him let his guard down and rush towards him and kick him right in the cheek.

Dean: "this might not be as strong as master Dan but this should atleast be enough to knock you out. Retaekwondo, Recoiless kick."

That kick I felt it the weight distribution is perfect and no power is loss this is the strongest kick I can do right now.

(Shikai POV)

What was that I felt the whole domain shake, could it be Dean? But the domain is still strong I need to end it quick."

(Dean POV)

Was that enough to knock him out, I looked to him and saw him kneeling but his eyes there's still light he didn't get knocked out.

Ichigo: "not bad kid if it weren't for luffy I might be seriously hurt but did you forget that all of us could share each other's powers? Look armament haki, you managed to make me feel pain so props to you but you still lack power, if you keep training I'm pretty sure you can pull off a kick stronger than that but until then, this is your limit."

No... this can't be the future I saw he was badly beaten up how does he not have any Scratches.

Dean: "NO!!!! REWIND!!!"

I somehow managed to rewind time but only for myself ichigo is still there damaged and standing at the same spot, I took this opportunity to close in on him and hit him again with another recoiless kick. Then I will rewind time again and hit him again until I reached my limit.

Ichigo: "interesting trick I'm really starting to feel the pain."

Ichigo jumped up and fire a blast from his sword I rewind time but ichigo knows my tricks he appeared behind me and swung his blade thanks to my armour it didn't cut that deep.

Dean: "one last time Recoiless"

Ichigo: "again with the kick I've seen through it."

Dean: "Arang"

I switched my kick to an elbow to his solar plexus he spat some blood and kneel down but that's all I can do now, I've reached my limit and my elbow is dislocated, all those recoiless kick and I still didn't manage to break this technique.

Ichigo: "that was a good hit I felt it but too bad my reaction speed is fast and I deployed armament right at that spot but still it hurts like a mother fucker. But this is the end good job."

Dean: "this is the future that I saw."

(Ichigo POV)

Ichigo: "I dealt with Dean as you told me to I'll go help the others now"

That guy can really hit its hard to move now but I must assist Shikai.

Shikai: "ichigo you can rest first if any of them need help I'll call you immediately for now just rest."

Ichigo: "no I can still fight. Actually nevermind I'm out it hurts really bad."

(Shikai POV)

So Dean vs Ichigo ichigo won huh as expected but to think he took that much damage I should focus on my own fight for now I'll trust my allies.


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