Fight 15: Shikai vs The Six

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(Shikai POV)

Mori and I walked towards the audience talking when suddenly, everyone ran towards us bombarding us with questions.

Ilpyo: "so what happened in there who won?"

Daewhi: "is Shikai part of the six now will we have to remove Ilpyo"

Ilpyo: "hey stop with the jokes everyone know I'm in the six not cause of my strength but my leadership skills and brains."

Daewhi: "I'm just joking besides Shikai haven't fought me or Sujin."

Shikai: "oh yea speaking of which, who are the other six and where are they?"

Daewhi and Mori looked at each other for a brief moment and back at me.

Mori: "you really don't know?"

I shook my head as as 4 silhouettes walked into the room.

Daewhi: "here they are the remaining members of The Six"

Mori: "Sujin Lee the Pandora Box herself."

Daewhi: "Mira Yoo the Love of my life and the leader of The NHA"

Mori: "Dean Ockham my first student and leader of Generation X"

Daewhi: "Finally Seo Bongram member of Generation X and successor to Seo Hanryang the previous member of The Six"

(A/N: so the new Six will be Daewhi, Mira, Ilpyo, Dean, Bongram and Sujin in case you don't remember any of them just do a quick lookup)

Shikai: "really? Them? No offense but compared to Mori and you Daewhi, they look underwhelming."

Dean: "ok Shikai we might not look much but we're the strongest human there ever was if I were to rank the Six in order of strongest I would be under sujin and under me would be Bongram."

Ilpyo: "am I last then?"

Bongram: "sorry Ilpyo but you haven't been training unlike the rest of us you're too busy running the world government but you still have potential."

Shikai: "I just thought of something, why don't I fight all of you then maybe I can join the six too?"

Sujin: "I like your energy kid but who do you wanna go up against first?"

Shikai: "how about all of you at once?"

Dean: "stop joking Shikai besides the six we are also known as The GSS. The God Subjugation Squad we even took down mori once."

I look over to mori and he nodded his head I don't know why but I'm so eager to fight someone that is strong.

Shikai: "lets do it think of it as practice but don't go easy on me, I'm surprisingly strong."

The Six smiled at each other and called their borrowed power.

(Dean POV)

I just saw 5 mins into the future and we lost inside a Colloseum, that must be the Colloseum Ilpyo was talking about, every outcome of us in that colloseum is us losing so I have to make sure he never activates that Skill of his.

(Narrator POV)

Shikai and The Six made their way to the sparring area after Shikai have rested and recovered all of them took a stance as they summoned their borrowed power. Mori started the match and Shikai's borrowed power dissapeared.

Sujin: "have you done your research, this is my borrowed power, Pandora's Box"

Sujin sealed Shikai's borrowed power and he was nervous, he figured he have to go after sujin first in order to use his borrowed power again he charged towards her and tried to kick her on the throat but was Interrupted by Dean and Ilpyo.

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