Fight 12

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(Shikai POV)

After the battle with Kaishi I can feel myself overwhelming with power I can feel him in me.

Kaishi: "dude wtf? You know I can hear all your thoughts right?"

Wait he can hear me? Everything?

Kaishi: "yes everything who the hell are you talking to?"

This is a monologue wait only I can excess this how the hell are you able to interrupt?

Kaishi: "I am you if you can talk to the viewers so can I."

Anyways let's continue with the story.

Kaishi: "sure whatever I won't bother you."

I made my way to meet Daewi to show him my newly acquired power. I looked around but during my time fighting Kaishi something happened here it's too empty. Then I sense a few presence coming my way fast I got ready for an attack.

Kaishi: "dumb fuck, duck then jump a few cm then put up your guard there's about 10-20 of them."

I did as he said and when I ducked someone flew above me and when I jumped 3 pairs of hands came up from the ground and I put up my guard. Then a whole group of people was throwing punches at me, they don't hurt but it's sure is annoying.

Shikai: "Come Out Big Three."

I use luffy's conquerors haki skill and most of them collapsed giving me space, I summoned Ryugetsu and a whole new sword appeared.

Kaishi: "our first fight together let's make some chaos"

With a single swing half of them flew away I took out my visor and even my visor changed, I put it on and I started to emit a dark aura, the aura surrounds my right arm and it transformed to a vasto lorde arm.

Shikai & Kaishi: "Getsuga Tenshou "

I wiped out the remaining enemies but 2 more approached me, its Seungmin and Jun.

Shikai: "guys are you all ok?"

Jun: "Fight me Shikai, Fight us we want to test our abilities."

Seungmin: "you better not hold back."

Shikai: "don't regret this decision."

Jun charged towards me holding 2 Pachos I tried to step back but Seungmin erupted a wall of Magma behind me.

Seungmin: "where do you think you're going."

Jun swung his Pachos simultaneously blowing off not only my mask but also my sword. I tried to stay grounded but I realised he's not just blowing away my gears but he's also blowing away the very oxygen I'm breathing. It's getting harder to breathe not only that the winds are getting sharper slicing me slowly. I jumped back being taken away by the wind I can breathe now but little did I know, I'm in a sphere of highly dense oxygen, Seungmin grinned and snaps his fingers then the oxygen around me lit up and exploded and it slowly turned to magma slowly I'm getting engulfed by a ball of magma, Jun blew some air hardening the magma into something harder than obsidian.

Shikai: "Kaishi give me some ideas I don't have Ryugetsu or the mask with me."

Kaishi: "I don't know maybe use the big three to punch you way out?"

A moment of silence as I realised how stupid I can be. I gathered all the strength into my right hand and punch the walls breaking it. When I emerge I saw Jun in the air ready to swing Pacho again but he's to close.

Kaishi: "pay attention idiot he's fans are swords now can't you see the winds formed into a blade?"

I threw a kunai and teleported behind Jun kicking him down, he was slammed to the ground but he quickly turned and tried to swing, but I was too fast I teleported back to the ground and kicked his forehead with my heel and he lost conciousness soon after. I looked around for Jun but he's nowhere to be seen.

Kaishi: "above get ready. "

I look up and saw 3 meteors falling down each one stacking each other he's trynna crush us, I ran towards Ryugetsu and grabbed my mask. I put on my mask and transformed into a full vasto lorde.

(Okay wait imagine this but with a white and sky blue coloring and a single horn the legs a bit slimmer  and the hand is normal and not a sword thx)

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(Okay wait imagine this but with a white and sky blue coloring and a single horn the legs a bit slimmer  and the hand is normal and not a sword thx)

I point my sword at the meteors and charged up I get in a low stance and charged a bit more.

I point my sword at the meteors and charged up I get in a low stance and charged a bit more

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I exhaled and thrust my sword shooting a cero blast from the tip of the sword and my horns. Pulverizing the 2 meteors into dust for the last one I threw down my sword and put my hands together and a yellow chakra covered me forming into kurama's head.

 Pulverizing the 2 meteors into dust for the last one I threw down my sword and put my hands together and a yellow chakra covered me forming into kurama's head

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Shikai & Naruto: "take this Tailed beast Bomb"

We fired off a big tailed beast bomb pulverising the last meteor and creating a dust cloud covering 100km² of land, I look around and saw Seungmin walking towards me slowly.

Seungmin: "I give up you win, that was my strongest attack how did we do?"

Shikai: "to be honest I expected you guys to get overwhelmed in the first 5 secs so I was pretty surprised you guys were strong."

Jun: "I see you didn't hold back that hit to my forehead really hurts."

Shikai: "you asked for it."

Seungmin: "we still have a long way to go."

Kaishi: "you're a good liar that wasn't even 30% of you full power the fact that you didn't even use Goku shows how much you've been holding back."

Shikai: "shut up the fact that I had to use 30% shows how much they have improved."

Kaishi: "fair enough let's end this chapter here."


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