fight 8

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(Shikai POV)

Mori looks beat up, how can anyone deal this much damage to him, I fought him personally and without him giving his all he easily overpowered me even in my strongest. To top it off everyone in the Conquistador group is very strong if everyone don't get stronger soon we will surely be wiped out sooner or later. In the last battle only mori, daewi and I can hold them off we were lucky they retreated if not there's no telling what might happen.

Shikai: "guys I'm gonna be brutally honest."

Jun & seungmin: "what's up?"

Shikai: "you guys are weak, super weak didn't you see what happened just now? If they didn't retreat everyone would've died you need to grow stronger at least strong enough to be able to take care of yourself."

Jun: "you weren't joking about the brutally honest part."

Seungmin: "WE KNOW!"

Shikai: "seungmin"

Seungmin: "I used to think I was the strongest being blessed with Jwala as my borrowed power but when I came face to face with that alien thing, I froze, I hate myself for that I didn't even attempt to strike him"

Jun: "it's okay seungmin let's get stronger together."

Seungmin started to tear up I guess what I said really bothered him but I can't be too soft, they need to know the truth, if not they'll just be oblivious. I sat and meditate entering the limitless void and had a meeting with my borrowed powers.

Shikai: "guys who were they and why did they seem to know me?"

Ichigo: "they didn't know you, it's more like they know us."

Naruto: "yea they were from the same dimension as us believe it."

Goku: "since we were giving you our powers, our ki are similar."

Naruto: "you mean chakra?"

Ichigo: "pretty sure he meant reiatsu."

Shikai: "argh this quarrel is making my head hurt. Anyways do you all know how I can get stronger?"

Goku: "basic strength training you way too weak to use our power for long periods of time."

Ichigo: "yeah, kid did you know if they retreated a minute late you arm would've been blown to smithereens."

Luffy: "I agree just workout on your strength and durability but most importantly your stamina so you can use our powers longer."

I thanked them and exited my limitless void, I went to dean and asked him whether he can train me to increase stamina strength and durability. He smiled at me and started pushing me to a large open space.

Dean: "here you go weighted clothes shoes basically everything. Run, jump, exercise basically everything you do you will have to do it with these on. We'll change the weight every week and we'll increase it by 5kg. You'll start small with 10kg for each piece of clothing."

Shikai: "yes sir."

I put on the clothes and I already feel 10x heavier I started walking thn jogging and finally running it started becoming easier.

Daewi: "this kid isn't normal he'll breeze past this routine and not get significantly stronger."

While running I suddenly felt super heavy I found out it was because of Daewi using his powers to Increase gravity he even went through the trouble of covering me with a water bubble to make it harder for me to run.

We kept going with these routine increasing the weight and gravity intensity and finally I was wearing 50000kg per clothing and under 500000x gravity and was able to move as fast as mori in mori dan form. When Daewi released the gravity and I took off the weighted clothes I feel super light. A stride for me is like a shunpo and a shunpo is instant teleportation my distance for shunpo also increased.

Daewi: "that was fast now stamina."

Daewi touched my shoulder and with the cane of the sage we teleported to antarctica. There I met mori's sister ahan dan she walked towards me and started encasing me with ice. I sat down watched as layers upon layers cover me I felt cold I was actually freezing and I began having frostbites, my breathing was disorderly and I feel as if I was suffocating.

Daewi: "stay for 30 days don't die on me yet."

Shikai: "b...b...but s...sir we m...might n
...n...not know when c...c...c..."

Daewi: "enough talk to me once you learn to stop shivering."

I was concentrating hard but it hurts whenever I take a deep breath and I was feeling very uncomfortable.

???: "Hey there do you need help with breathing?"

Shikai: "who are you"

Tanjiro: "me? I'm kamado tanjiro and I'll teach u the concept of total concentration breathing techniques."

Me and tanjiro spent the whole 30 days practicing total concentration till finally I achieved total concentration constant.

(Seungmin POV)

I'm training with Jwala it didn't feel right to be the weakest in my team I was learning how to make my fire burn hotter when suddenly ilpyo park of the six came he gave me a few pointer which it struck me. If I wan a hotter flame I need fuel and wind works as fuel. I went to Jun and discussed about making a combo move and he agreed we went to an open space and begun training.

(Narrator POV)

All of them were practicing hard and learning from their past mistakes in order to not repeat them again days, weeks, months pass and they are getting stronger each day not only them but executives are also training as hard. Everyone is looking well except for mori who is still wounded even after resting for so long.


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