Fight 18:Sujin vs Tsuna

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(Sujin POV)

This is tough he is so fast I can barely keep up, and he keeps appearing behind me I can't get enough distance. If I can't make distance I'll close it, I charge towards him and prepared to hit him with the three pronged kick but he dissapeared but he wasn't behind me I looked up and see his hands directly infront of me. I immediately crossed my arms and braced myself, but I didn't expect his attack to be so strong. He blast me to the floor and end up digging a hole, the whole stadium light up but he still look like he didn't use all his power.

Tsuna: "lets turn up the heat."

It's getting hotter and the flames are more intense if not for the Pandora's armour I would've been dead, and unless his attack end soon I might really end up dead but all of a sudden the trajectory of his attack changed and and he stopped blasting me. I looked at my arms and saw burn marks and my armour being torn apart, I make my way out the hole and saw Tsuna being thrown.  He regained his footing and stared at something else rather than me, I looked back and surprise to see Ilpyo.

Ilpyo: "yo sujin are you okay? Those are some nasty burn marks."

Sujin: "did you win your fight?"

Ilpyo: "you think? I can't help much I'm still tired."

Ilpyo charged towards Tsuna and was fighting him hand to hand, its strange why doesn't he use his fire attacks.

Ilpyo: "Sujin he absorbs fire attacks and turns them into ice he's he's bad matchup for me."

Sujin: "I see but we need to work together"

Ilpyo: "I have a plan seal him and we can take the other guy together."

Sujin: "you're right if this guy can absorb flame it will be hard for you to fight him with your full strength."

I looked at Tsuna and sealed him away but strangely he's smirking.

Sujin: "Ilpyo get ready he might come from anywhere."

Ilpyo: "he's already here."

Sujin: "WHAT? WHERE?"

Ilpyo: "right behind you"

I turned back and Ilpyo was covered in smoke and what emerged was the one I sealed.

Sujin: "how? I sealed you."

Naruto: "hehe you sealed kurama idiot I'm still here and my friend kurama hates being sealed he's very angry now."

He punched me and sent me flying he then turned golden and a fox avatar emerged with him inside. He shot a giant black ball towards me I don't know what it does buy I'm not going to find out I quickly dodged it and tried kicking the fox in the head but although it doesn't look much is surprisingly hard.

Naruto: "lets see if you like being sealed magnet release:rasengan"

I can't move he backed away and put his hands together and summoned hundreds of himself. They all charged towards me but I still can't move.


this is it there's no way I can win my poison might work but all it'll do is slow him down and I can't even tell them apart. The first attack was too intense my armour is not regenerating. I looked up and laugh he really is too strong for me.

After being hit with an attack like that, I can't move

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After being hit with an attack like that, I can't move.

Naruto: "sorry miss, kurama really hates being sealed you did great."

Great huh he's being too humble I wasn't able to touch tsuna let alone naruto. I released my seal because of exhaustion and tsuna and naruto made their way somewhere else.

The End

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