Fight 20: Daewhi vs Shikai

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(Shikai POV)

The domain is broken? This is bad fighting all of THE SIX at once is not exactly what I had hoped for.

Luffy: "Don't worry most of the six have been taken care of even if they came to help they shouldn't have much strength left."

He can still say it with such a smile but with the domain destroyed I can't have him fight with me.

Daewhi: "finally a 1v1 luffy was getting on my nerves his punches were hard to deal with, making sharp turns in random."

Shikai: "let's go then I don't need Luffy to kick your ass"

We charged towards each other, he pulled me and punched me with black turtle, as I was being knocked back he pulled me again and repeat it, I'm getting annoyed and using luffy's powers, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pull me to him.

Shikai: "armament haki, black flash, kaioken x20."

I powered up and headbutt him to the ground. I sensed someone coming and turned to the direction, I saw ilpyo flying at me with a kick and I dodged it in the nick of time. He slammed on the ground, causing ash and debris to form covering ilpyo and daewhi. I jumped back only to see them gone.

Shikai: "Borrowed power merged:Naruto, Meliodas perfect clones"

Making use of the clones Naruto and Meliodas have, I combined them and made dozens of perfect clones that won't dissapear so easily."

Shikai: "I'm giving each of you a borrowed power find them and we'll assist you as soon as possible."

My clones nodded and scattered around the arena.

Kaishi: "I'm bored hey partner switch with me."

Shikai: "you sure? Sure but if you do anything weird I'm stepping back in."

I switched with kaishi and was in a pitch black room with all my borrowed powers.

Naruto: "why did you switch out don't you know he doesn't have any borrowed power if you switch out all of us will he gone."

Shikai: "what? So then the clones I sent."

Ichigo: "yep they're gone I saw them dissapear before I did."

Shikai: "Kaishi I hope you know what you're doing."

(Narrator POV)

Shikai's appearance changed his pupils turned red while his sclera turned black, his usually pointed hair drooped down and changed to a dark maroon colour. This was no longer Shikai's fight, his inner demon Kaishi will be the one fighting. He gave a mischievous smirk as he shouts.


Although his scream was so loud it could be heard from miles, no response was given.

Kaishi: "hmmm. That's fine I know where you all are anyways. SPLIT AND TEAR MY ENEMIES TO PIECES: RYUGETSU."

Kaishi held his hands together and a light emits from it he separated his hands and appeared two zanpakuto. He took a deep breath and charged in an unknown direction, he jumped and swung towards the ground.

Kaishi: "you think you can hide from me?"

Ilpyo: "holy shit how did you find us?"

Kaishi: "my ability 6th sense nothing hides from me"

Ilpyo couldn't managed to dodge in time but Daehwi pulled Kaishi towards him making him miss his attack.

Kaishi: "that's fucking annoying y'know that. It's fine I too have that ability."

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