fight 7

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(Shikai POV)

Where am I? Everything is black and spooky yet it feels very calm, I'm getting a cooling sensation throughout my body, I was about to lie down and rest but I quickly got up as I sensed something or rather someone coming towards my directions. I turned around to check but again there's no one, I felt breathing from behind and I turned to see no one yet again.

???: "Hehehehehe did I spook ya?"

I got surprised and turned to see a muscular tall man with spiky hair.

Shikai: "who are you? And where am I?"

Goku: "yo I'm the saiyan goku, man your opponent is really strong it makes me wanna battle him myself but it's too bad I can't directly mingle with your dimension at least that's the rule the Supreme Deity set on us all of us."

Shikai: "but I'm borrowing your powers aren't I?"

Goku: "I don't know how these borrowing thing works but it has to be something special about you."

Shikai: "next question where am I?"

Goku: "oh this? Just a place for us to chat."

Shikai: "I can't chat now I need to beat mori"

Goku: "with your limitations I don't think you can but once you actually master your ability you'll be alot stronger maybe stronger than me or even beerus that's something to look forward to."

Shikai: "so... What now?"

Goku: "are you ready to wake up?"

Shikai: "let's do this"

I woke up and was surrounded by my teammates and the executives. They weren't worried as they didn't even pay attention to me waking up. I sat down and looked over at mori whom had gone back to lifting the mountain.

Dean: "he's strong isn't he? Unlike us he haven't stop training that's the one reason why he doesn't stay in our dimension."

Then the clouds started to turn grey mori stopped lifting and teleported to us and equipped his dragon armour suit.

Mori: "something's coming and it's energy is dense and dangerous."

On the far horizon we saw a portal opening and out came 7 people wearing black robes and hoods.

Kaizer: "my name is kaizer and we are are the Conquistador. Our goal is to conquer all the dimensions and this place doesn't seem too bad to start."

Mori: "get out of my realm outsiders."

The hooded man lift his hands and sliced two passing dragons into bits and pieces.

The hooded man lift his hands and sliced two passing dragons into bits and pieces

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Mori: "I'll kill you all."

Mori charged at them changing his armour suit and increasing his speed, kaizer tried to step back but was pulled by Daewi, Mori kicked kaizer and sent him flying mori chased after kaizer and Daewi was about to follow but he got pulled by another member of Conquistador. Daewi punched him as he was getting closer revealing his face, which made naruto nervous and surprise.

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