fight 5

207 3 2

(Shikai POV)

Team nexus came in the arena and sat there confusing everyone the next round is in 1 hour but team nexus is already there, don't they need a plan or practice? As the captain of my team I went to them and asked for a hand shake.

Shikai: "hi my name is Shikai, Shikai Shounen."

Max: "I'm Max, Max Lee why are you here? My teammates won't talk to you so it's best if you just go and practice while you can. We want a fun match.

Jun: "dude...let's just go."

Jun pulled me away to the sparring ring and shook his head. We both have a feeling that they were looking down on us, I hate that I really do. I sat down and meditate I need a new borrowed power I need to start unlocking everything if I want to be stronger.

Shikai: "HEY!!!!, Anyone out there? I need one of you to help me."

???: "What's all this noise?"

Shikai: "who are you?"

Luffy: "Monkey D. Luffy."

Shikai: "woah are you here to help me?"

Luffy: "sure everything seems interesting and you unlocked my pals naruto and Ichigo already."

Shikai: "so what's your abilities?"

Luffy: "mine? Hmmmm I'm basically rubber hehehe."

Shikai: "what?"

Luffy: "yep but I can also harden my rubber body I'm pretty strong you know?."

Shikai: "ok then I look forward to using you."

Luffy: "now that you unlocked me you can use all three of us because we are known as... The Big Three."

I came back and smiled I'm all set for the match, I can't lose now I can't let all of them down. Right before our match someone came in it was the user of Dionysus he came in with tears in his eyes.

Hyun: "help me please. Team nexus defeat them they showed no mercy they even burnt my towel so I couldn't throw it, cthulhu even affected the referee so they didn't see it. Natasha my teammate she got destroyed, she won't wake up. Please help me"

I can't believe they were that cruel I bent down to his level and hold his shoulder and smiled. Luffy, Ichigo and Naruto looked very angry I guess they couldn't stand it either.

Ichigo: "we're gonna beat them to a pulp right?"

Naruto: "yea believe it"

Luffy: "he's too cruel he needs to be put to place."

Our match is starting soon and me and my team walked to the arena to see Team Nexus sleeping they really are underestimating us I got furious not only me but even my borrowed powers.

Shikai: "sorry guys I'll go first I can't hold it in."

Max came first and summoned Cthulhu. I summoned The big 3 and everyone was surprised as they had never seen someone with 3 borrowed powers unless they used wifi or they absorb other competitors power. I stared in to Cthulhu's eyes and I started trembling is this it am I going to end up like the others? Luffy opened his eyes and shockwaves started to appear his using conquerer haki.

His conquerer haki managed to counter Cthulhu now I can fight, I shouted Bankai and threw some of the flying raijin kunai, he deflected them easily which was what I expected I threw more than I used the multi shuriken shadow clone jutsu and there ...

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His conquerer haki managed to counter Cthulhu now I can fight, I shouted Bankai and threw some of the flying raijin kunai, he deflected them easily which was what I expected I threw more than I used the multi shuriken shadow clone jutsu and there were more of them he waved his hands and deflected all, now everything is set I teleported to each of them and high-speed and Max was struggling to catch me, he could see me but I teleported faster than he could move slowly I started slashing him, I teleported to the top and used shadow clone and each of them has a sword. I teleported each of them to their respective markers and all of them used getsuga tenshou at the same time. Max used the wings of Cthulhu to try and defend but it was pointless Cthulhu dissapeared and Max got hit with a bunch of Getsuga tenshous. Max was out he couldn't move he was bleeding everywhere, the nurse carried him out but his teammates stop them and stabbed his heart.

Max: "I'm sorry."

Next that came up was Raito his borrowed power was Zeus and he summoned a bolt of lightning and he kept throwing them at me, I dodged everything easily as I have already set markers throughout the arena he was getting annoyed and threw them faster and more came out the executives came out and set a barrier protecting the audience, I stopped moving getting hit by the lightning but since luffy is rubber he turned my body to rubber making me unaffected. I summoned more clones and surround him we all used Gomu Gomu gattling and bombarded him with punches he blocked most of it but got overwhelmed by the sheer amount of punches, he used his speed to hit all my clones till he found the real me, he punch me in the face but my neck stretches I harden my forehead and gave him a big headbutt.

Shikai: "I'm a bad matchup for you get out of here."

He tried to punch me again but I punch his head so hard he went 10 feet below the ground. So this is the power of the Big 3. We Instantly won as I defeated 2 competitors and Team Nexus killed themselves stabbing themselves in the heart. We don't know the reason so the executives went to look up on team nexus. Since we won we're waiting for Dean to send us to the Monkey King's dimension.


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