Chapter thirty one.

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"One week off. You have no idea how much I need this week off."

Blair set her oversized bag down on one of the kid's desks as she dropped into the seat. It was the last day before our Thanksgiving break, and we had a half day. Next week we had the whole week off. It was a much-needed break for all of us.

"Hard to believe Thanksgiving is next week," I said.

She rolled her neck. "Thank God. I love my students, but I need a break from them and their parents. If one more mom tries to set me up on a date, I swear I'm going to blow a fuse."

I chuckled. "They mean well."

Lifting her brow, she asked, "They still snooping for information on you and Hardin?"

"Kelly is. Pretty much everyone else knows we're seeing each other."

"Speaking of, how are things going with you guys? I never see you anymore so I don't get the dirty low down."

"Dirty low down?"

Blair nodded. "Please. If he is anything like his twin brother, I'm sure the boy does dirty, dirty things to you when you're alone."

My cheeks heated. "Have you seen Harry again?"

Her smile faded and a look of hurt moved in so fast I might have missed it had I not been focused on her. "No, but I've gone out a few times with Nathan. At least he's interested."

She faked a laugh.

I leaned back. So Harry was honoring the brother code. Interesting. "How's it going? With Nathan?"

With a shrug, she replied, "It's okay. He loves politics and law and throws in a bit of ranching every now and then. Those seem to be the only three things he ever talks about."

"Why do you go out with him then?"

Chewing on her lip, she replied, "He's nice. Treats me with respect. And it keeps me from sitting home all alone watching Disney movies and daydreaming about my prince charming. I get the feeling he is looking for arm candy, especially since he wants to run for mayor someday."

"Have y'all slept together yet?"

She tossed her head back and let out a roar of laughter. "No. I informed him I wasn't the type of girl to spread my legs open like that. Besides, we aren't even remotely close to that in our relationship. If you can call it that."

I leaned forward. "And yet, you did with Harry. Spread your legs."

Her face was pained. "That was different. It was a moment of weakness, and I had been drinking. It was a mistake. Clearly he thinks so as well since he went radio silent afterwards."

Dragging in a deep breath, I blew it out. I needed to let her know about both Harry and Nate liking her. "I'm pretty sure Harry likes you, Blair."

Her eyes grew wide, and I swore I saw confusion in her eyes. Then she laughed and said, "I doubt it."

"No, Blair, he does."

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