Chapter forty.

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My pulse raced as I pulled into the local drug store. Throwing my car into park, I practically shouted, "Hold on! I'll get your door!"

I jumped out and ran to Tessa's side. She sat in the passenger seat with a wide grin. Opening the door, I reached in and scooped her up into my arms. Letting out a small yelp, she laughed.

"Hardin, what in the world are you doing?"

"What? I want to you help you out of the truck."

Narrowing her eyes at me, she shook her head. "I'm not incapable of getting out of the car. Besides, we don't know if I'm..." She looked around and whispered, "Pregnant."

"Why are you whispering?" I asked, setting her down.

"Because there is a lot at stake if I am."

My brow lifted. "Such as?"

"My job? Do you have any idea how they would frown at their kindergarten teacher being knocked up out of wedlock?"

"Fuck them!" I shouted as she slapped her hand over my mouth.

"Hardin Allen Scott!"

I drew her into my chest. "Jesus, Tess. You calling me by my full name in that tone turns me on. Will you dress up like the naughty teacher, and I'll be your bad boy student?"

Humor crossed her face and she made a fake stern voice. "Hardin."

"Tessa, how are you?"

The voice behind me made her expression drop, and she immediately jumped away from me.

"Mr. Hines. H-how are you?"

Glancing over my shoulder, I flashed a grin at the school principal—who also happened to be Tessa's boss.

"I'm doing well. Ready for some turkey tomorrow. How about you?"

Tessa rubbed her stomach and let out a nervous chuckle. "Yes. Turkey and dressing. All that yummy food. So ready."

I was positive he had no clue who I was, even though Harry and I had him for our eighth grade teacher, and we singlehandedly killed three class pets by accident that year. I remember him sending a letter home to my father stating that if we killed another class pet we were going to have to finish out eighth grade in in-school suspension.

"Mr. Hines, this is..." Tessa paused, her cheeks turning pink as she glanced down at her ring.

"Tessa's fiancé. Hardin Scott," I said.

He grimaced, and then anger shot across his face.

Oh, yeah. It was safe to say he remembered who I was.

"Hardin Scott. Kill any turtles lately?"

Tessa's smile dropped and a look of utter horror replaced it.

I let out a nervous chuckle. "No, sir. I put those days behind me years ago."

He huffed, then focused back on Tessa. "Enjoy your time off, Tessa."

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