Chapter thirty nine.

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I had to admit this was amazing. My hands still shook a bit, but Hardin really did know what he was doing. We flew around, and he pointed out different places.

"Everything looks so different from up here!" I said into the microphone that hung from the giant headphones I wore.

"It really does. It's amazing. I want to take you up during sunset. It's beautiful."

I smiled, loving the excitement in Hardin's voice. He really enjoyed this, and I loved being a part of it. "I'd love that. Would you take Chloe up too?"

"Hell yeah! She's already seen the sun setting over the Pacific Ocean numerous times."

The urge to ask him if Mia ever went up gnawed at the back of my mind. I wasn't sure why; I hardly ever thought of that dreadful woman.

My internal battle with the question volleyed back and forth before I finally caved. "Did Mia ever go up with y'all?"

He laughed. "Fuck no. She was never interested, and I never invited her."

A small part of me fist pumped internally. "Is that your parents' place?" I asked.

"Yep. I'll fly over the guest house."

"When are you going to stop calling it that?" I asked with a chuckle. "It's your house now."

"Yeah, I know. It feels weird living there, though. I've talked to my parents about paying something for living there. At first they said no, but finally came around when I said I would move into town. I never would...but they don't know that. Damn place is huge though."

Now it was my turn to laugh. It was a huge house. I imagined it filled with more kids. Lots of noise, a few dogs. Maybe even a cat or two. Chloe's conversation with Hardin a couple nights ago took center stage in my mind. I was soon staring out the window and not even paying attention to what was there. Hardin turned the plane so all I could see was blue sky.

"Look over here. The cows."

I leaned over to see out his side of the plane. "Where are the cows?" I asked.

"Hold on. There're coming up."

Stretching my neck more, I was beginning to feel a little nauseous, and I wasn't sure if it was because Hardin was tipping the plane or if it was from lunch.

"Can you straighten the plane out? I'm feeling sick."

"Yeah, let me make this one turn." He straightened out the plane then pointed out my window. "Take a peek out your window, and you'll see it."

I did as he asked, while my hand came up to my mouth. I focused on the plowed pasture out the window. The black dirt was a sharp contrast to the brown grass.

The words MARRY ME were spelled out across the pasture. I wasn't sure how long I stared at it, but now it was moving behind the plane. I tried to keep looking before it was finally gone from my view. When I turned back to Hardin, he was holding an open ring box that contained a beautiful princess cut diamond, along with a brilliant smile covering his beautiful face.

𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 | 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now