Chapter twenty three.

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Blair knocked on my classroom door Monday morning and strolled in whistling. Glancing up, I grinned.

"You're in a good mood for a Monday morning."

Her smile grew big. "I had sex this weekend."

Dropping back in my seat, I gasped. "What? With who?"

She covered her mouth like a schoolgirl about to tell the biggest secret ever. "Ranger Scott."

My pen dropped out of my hand while my eyes widened in surprise. "Harry Scott?!"

She nodded then giggled. "Jesus, he was huge. I had to soak in a bath all day yesterday I was so sore."

I covered my mouth and gagged.

Blair lifted a brow. "Too much information?"

I leaned over my desk. "You slept with Harry? Like as in..." I glanced around as if someone was in the room. "As in sex? His junk in your..." I pointed.

She laughed. "Oh my gosh, I know! So unlike me to do something like that. But yes. I had sex with Harry. Actually, we fucked. Like rabbits. On my sofa, on the kitchen island, the kitchen floor, in the shower, in my bed." She lifted her eyes as if she was trying to remember if there were more spots she might have missed.

"Oh, and up against my front door when he was trying to leave, but something came over us again. He has a magical dick. I'm not kidding. His stamina. I've never had so many orgasms in my entire life. Six. I had S.I.X. orgasms, Tessa."

I sat there with my mouth open. Not only did my best friend just tell me she fucked a guy, but she proceeded to tell me all the places they did it and how many times she came. And it was with Hardin's brother. His twin brother!

The silly dreamy look in her eyes should have caused me to freak out. After all, she'd slept with a Scott brother. Not exactly the type of guys who are rushing to get into relationships. And what about the brother code? I seemed to remember Nathan calling dibs on Blair.

Oh for Christ's sake. Listen to me!

"Okay, I need a moment, or a few days, to process this. Blair, you do know Harry probably assumed it was only a one-night stand kind of thing. Right?"

Her smile faded. "I didn't get that impression. Not with the sweet things he said. The way he made me feel. I've never had a guy worship me and love on me like Harry did. It was amazing."

"And how much had y'all had to drink?"

My question must have felt like a slap in the face. She turned away. What started out as excitement in her eyes now turned to shame.

I sighed. "Wait, let me try this again."

She stared back, her chin quivering. "Do you think it was a one-night stand? He was so sweet to me. The things he said..."

There was no way I was going to tell her how the Scott boys were known for being smooth talkers. They were romantics by nature, and if they wanted to show a girl a good time I had no doubt in my mind they couldn't swoon the pants off any woman they wanted to. But more than one night? No. I didn't think any of them had ever been in a serious relationship. Well, besides Hardin and Nathan. His long-time girlfriend from high school, Hailey, was the only woman he'd ever dated long term. Harry, he dated, but if I remembered right, as soon as things turned serious, he was gone.

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