Chapter ten.

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September flew in like a storm. Literally. The cold front toppled the tents set up for the fall festival, one of our main fundraisers, and if we couldn't get everything set back up it would mean a lot of lost money for the school.

"Tessa! We need more help! I can't hammer this stupid tent stake in," Blair called out.

I let out a frustrated groan.

First and fourth grade were in charge of parent volunteers for this year's fall festival. It rotated with each year for the different grades. Blair was having a hell of a time trying to round up this year's first grade parents to help with anything. We were almost a month into the school year, and she still didn't have a classroom parent.

Who in the hell could I call to help?

Trevor crossed my mind, but if I called him, he'd get the wrong idea like he did three weeks ago when he walked me home from Carson's bar. It was stupid of me to use him as a shoulder to cry on. When he leaned in to kiss me, I put the brakes on fast.

"Um, let me call my dad," I said.

The wind blew hard, and the temperature was dropping. If it kept falling, it would be too cold for the kids to enjoy themselves. My father's phone rang, and I prayed he would answer.

"Hey there, sweetheart."

"Dad. I need help. We're trying to set up for the fall festival and none of the dads showed up to help us. This wind is kicking our butts."

"Who's all there?"

I glanced around. "Me, Blair, about three other teachers who got subs and four moms."

My father covered the phone, talking to someone. "I think I found you some help."

"Really? Oh, Dad! That would be amazing! Are they strong?"

He simply laughed.

"I'll take that as a yes. Are you at a delivery?"

"Yes, darlin'. We'll be there in a bit to help."

Smiling, I gave Blair a thumbs-up. "Okay, Daddy. Be careful."

Hitting End, I ran over to Blair. "My dad was at a delivery and rounded up some help."

"Thank goodness. I'm sorry my volunteers bugged out."

"It's okay. We may need to pull out last year's list and see if we can recruit some parents. If they didn't show for set up, it's unlikely they will want to work the booths tomorrow. Especially if it's on the cold side."

Blair placed her hands on her hips. "If I see them walking around with cotton candy I'm going to shove it up their a-holes."

Smiling, I shook my head. I loved my best friend. I'd have been kicked out of the S M University if it hadn't been for her. When a position opened for a first grade teacher, I pretty much told her I'd do anything to have her here.

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