Chapter thirty four.

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Tessa stared out the window as I headed to my place. Every now and then she let out a sigh.

"Tess, stop worrying. I'm sure my parents know we're sleeping together. And the last time I checked, we were both twenty-eight years old."

Her head dropped back against the seat. "Ugh. I know, I know. I don't want your parents to think I'm trying to get into your pants."

I parked, then turned off the car and faced her. "Why in fuck's sake would they think that?"

She gave me a look that said I should know the answer to that question. "Hardin, we had sex out in the open. For the whole world to see."

With a quick wink, I replied, "And it was hot as hell, admit it."

Her lower lip pulled in between her teeth. "I will admit it was hot. Very hot."

I flashed her a dimpled smile, and she practically melted in the seat. Damn, I loved this woman. "Come on, we're running behind schedule."

Tessa chuckled. "I didn't realize we were on a schedule. Was our little stop back there part of today's plan?"

"No. Our little love fest put us a bit behind, but I think we can make up the time."

She grinned and hopped out of the car, not waiting for me to come around and get her door. We met in front of the car, and I reached for her hand, guiding her into the house.

"So, you're a pilot?" she asked after we stepped through the front door.

"Yeah. I thought I told you. I took lessons in Michigan. Started out as a way to get my mind off..." My voice trailed off, and I stopped walking.

"Me?" she asked with sadness laced in her voice.

My heart wrenched, and I pulled her to me. "Yes, if I'm being honest. I'm sorry I was gone for so long."

A weak smile moved across her face. "I think we have established that. It's just that I hate..."

Lifting my hand, I brushed her hair back. "You hate what?"

Her eyes drifted down. I placed my finger on her chin and lifted them back to mine. "Tess, please tell me."

"I hate that we missed so much time together. That so many years were filled with sadness and anger." She shrugged. "The last few months have been so blissfully happy for me, I can't help but wonder what life would have been like had I not gotten—"

My finger moved to her lips. "Don't say that. This moment, right now with you, it's because of what happened ten years ago. We might have taken the long way, but we made it. We're together and nothing or no one will ever change that."

She tried wrapping her arms around my neck so I leaned down. "You're right!"

The love I felt for Tess consumed my heart and soul, yet I fell in love with her a little more each day.

Taking her hand in mine, I pulled her towards the kitchen. "Come on. We're late."

Tessa grinned and let me guide her. We walked into the kitchen, and I smiled when I pulled the large basket out of the refrigerator.

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